Tell us: have you experiences last-minute cancellations on Airbnb? | Airbnb

We’re interested in hearing from people who have made a booking for accommodation on an online travel platform, only for their host to cancel it at the last minute.

Earlier this year, Taylor Swift fans in Australia were left without accommodation after Airbnb hosts cancelled their bookings. Airbnb’s “host cancellation policy” does not seem to have deterred hosts from then relisting their properties at a higher price. Has something similar happened to you? Are you a Swiftie whose plans to watch her European tour have been affected? Or have you made plans for a holiday elsewhere or another trip that have been thrown into disarray by a host’s cancellation?

Share your experience

You can tell us your experience of Airbnb cancellations using this form.

Your responses, which can be anonymous, are secure as the form is encrypted and only the Guardian has access to your contributions. We will only use the data you provide us for the purpose of the feature and we will delete any personal data when we no longer require it for this purpose. For true anonymity please use our SecureDrop service instead.