Republican congressman blames President Biden for the deaths of nine migrants

President Biden has been slammed for his handling of the border crisis as nine migrants died while trying to cross the Rio Grande in Texas to gain access to the US.

Congressman Tony Gonzales, whose district covers a large amount of the border area criticized Biden for the tragedy.

He and other representatives have been demanding that the President visit the border to witness the problem for himself.

Nine migrants, including a 13-year-old and 14-year-old from Guatemala and two 16-year-olds from Mexico, died while crossing the river on Thursday.

Thirty-seven of the migrants were rescued as they tried to cross the Rio Grande into the United States.

Officials confirmed today that nine of the migrants were found dead, three being found by Mexican authorities and another six by US agents.

Congressman Tony Gonzales has critizised President Biden over the deaths of nine migrants who died last week while trying to cross the Rio Grande to gain access to Texas

Congressman Tony Gonzales has critizised President Biden over the deaths of nine migrants who died last week while trying to cross the Rio Grande to gain access to Texas

Authorities have confirmed that nine migrants died while trying to cross the river, including a 13-year-old and 14-year-old form Guatemala and two 16-year-olds from Mexico

Authorities have confirmed that nine migrants died while trying to cross the river, including a 13-year-old and 14-year-old form Guatemala and two 16-year-olds from Mexico

Authorities have confirmed that nine migrants died while trying to cross the river, including a 13-year-old and 14-year-old form Guatemala and two 16-year-olds from Mexico

Mexican authorities took 39 people into custody and Border Patrol officers apprehended 53. President Biden has been criticised for his 'open border' policies

Mexican authorities took 39 people into custody and Border Patrol officers apprehended 53. President Biden has been criticised for his 'open border' policies

Mexican authorities took 39 people into custody and Border Patrol officers apprehended 53. President Biden has been criticised for his ‘open border’ policies

Posting on Twitter, Gonzales said: ‘53 DEAD in a truck, 53 in a river, countless dead in ditches, gullies and desert throughout #TX23….how many more must die before Biden visits the border?.’

Border Patrol agents responded to a large group of people near Eagle Pass, Texas and apprehended 53 migrants.

Of those, 37 were rescued as they tried to cross the river to gain access to the US, with Customs and Border Protection’s Air and Marine officials aiding in the mission.

Mexican authorities took 39 people into custody, with the tragedy coming after 53 migrants were found dead inside a tractor-trailer in San Antonino in a desperate attempt to cross the border illegally.

It comes after Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot has slammed Texas Governor Greg Abbott as ‘racist’ after he announced he would be bussing illegal migrants to the city.

Lightfoot, a Democrat, attacked the GOP governor despite repeatedly bragging that Chicago is a ‘sanctuary city’, as it witnessed the arrival of 60 people on Wednesday, August 30.

Texas has bussed more than 7,000 migrants so far to Washington DC and New York since April, spending nearly $13million on the initiative.

They are also sanctuary cities which claim to offer additional protections to illegal immigrants – but the sudden influx has begun to strain the services the cities can offer.

Immigrants walk towards Union Station after arriving in Washington, DC last week after being bussed across the country from Texas, at the order of Texas Governor Greg Abbott

Immigrants walk towards Union Station after arriving in Washington, DC last week after being bussed across the country from Texas, at the order of Texas Governor Greg Abbott

Immigrants walk towards Union Station after arriving in Washington, DC last week after being bussed across the country from Texas, at the order of Texas Governor Greg Abbott

Abbott says he wants to give those Democrat-run cities a taste of what lax border policies are doing to towns in the Lone Star State.

The state has paid $12,707,720.92 to Wynne Transportation, the charter service that is taking migrants to the various cities.

More than 7,400 migrants have been bussed to DC since April and more than 1,500 to New York City since August 5.

Gov. Abbott took another swipe at President Biden’s immigration policies as he announced that he was sending the first bus to Chicago.

He also called out Lightfoot, saying: ‘President Biden’s inaction at our southern border continues putting the lives of Texans-and Americans-at risk and is overwhelming our communities.

‘To continue to provide much-needed relief to our small, overrun border towns, Chicago will join fellow sanctuary cities…as an additional drop off location.

‘Mayor Lightfoot loves to tout the responsibility of her city to welcome all regardless of legal status, and I look forward to seeing this responsibility in action as these migrants receive resources from a sanctuary city with the capacity to serve them.’

Abbott, who is seeking a third term in November’s midterm elections, says the buses are needed because Democratic President Joe Biden has failed to secure the border with Mexico.

U.S. Border Patrol made a record 1.8 million migrant arrests at the southwest border between October 1, 2021, to July 31, 2022.

Abbott’s office has said migrants are transported out of state only with their written permission although it is not clear what other options have been offered to the migrants.

Since Abbott began the busing effort, the Democratic mayors of Washington and New York City have clamored for federal assistance.

The poll shows that more than half of Americans think there is an 'invasion' while another one-third expressed worry over being 'replaced' by illegal immigrants

The poll shows that more than half of Americans think there is an 'invasion' while another one-third expressed worry over being 'replaced' by illegal immigrants

The poll shows that more than half of Americans think there is an ‘invasion’ while another one-third expressed worry over being ‘replaced’ by illegal immigrants

Texas Governor Greg Abbott announced the state had sent the first busload of 100 migrants to Chicago on Wednesday (file photo)

Texas Governor Greg Abbott announced the state had sent the first busload of 100 migrants to Chicago on Wednesday (file photo)

Texas Governor Greg Abbott announced the state had sent the first busload of 100 migrants to Chicago on Wednesday (file photo)

Lightfoot, pictured, took a swipe at Gov Abbott and former President Trump in a statement which branded them as 'racists'

Lightfoot, pictured, took a swipe at Gov Abbott and former President Trump in a statement which branded them as 'racists'

Lightfoot, pictured, took a swipe at Gov Abbott and former President Trump in a statement which branded them as ‘racists’

It has also led to a war of words between New York City Mayor Eric Adams and Abbott.

Manuel Castro, the Big Apple’s commissioner of the Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs has accused Abbott of placing security on the buses in order stop migrants from getting off the bus before reaching their destination.

In Washington D.C., newly arrived migrants to the capital have struggled to find permanent housing and medical care.

The White House has said that Abbott’s efforts and a similar push by Arizona Governor Doug Ducey, another Republican, are sowing chaos and using migrants as political pawns.

But this past week, the Democrat-led city of El Paso, Texas also sent a bus carrying migrants to New York City and planned to send one to Chicago.

Immigration watchdogs say nearly 4.9 million unauthorized immigrants have entered the U.S. since President Joe Biden took office last year, and have branded New York and Los Angeles as the country’s most dangerous sanctuary cities.

The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) says the record flow of people into the U.S. since Biden’s inauguration includes 3.4 million crossings at the southwest border and 900,000 others who slipped in there undetected.

The startling number adds to growing unease that the Biden administration is asleep at the wheel as record numbers cross the southern border, along with drugs and terror suspects, nudging a majority of Americans to conclude that this amounts to an ‘invasion’.

FAIR’s president Dan Stein said the nearly-5 million human inflow amounted to the ‘entire population of Ireland’ entering the U.S. illegally since 20 January, 2021. He accused the administration of the ‘sabotage of our nation’s immigration laws’.