Voters chose Labour. Now what?

Voters chose Labour. Now what?

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Voters have chosen Sir Keir Starmer as their next prime minister following a landslide victory for Labour that ended 14 years of Conservative rule.

FT readers have been debating the pros and cons of the political parties for weeks and we want to know what you think about the outcome.

How do you feel now the election is over? Are you happy with the winner? How do you see the outlook for the UK? Do you feel positive about the new government, or uncertain about the future?

Share your thoughts in the comments below to take part in the debate. We will be updating this story with comments and excerpts from our readers across throughout the coming days.

Labour wins — what lies ahead?

I hope the reality lives up to the promise, and he is able to turn the country onto a more promising path for all of us. — Northern light

Labour will need 100 years to reverse the damage the Tories have unleashed — Eternal optimist

Labour’s first 100 days?

Probably hundreds of spending cuts and tax rises. We are poorer than we think. — Super Hank Petram

When do we get smashed with VAT on school fees? — Black Knight

Voter turnout

Pretty pathetic really if 34 per cent of registered voters, not even 34 per cent of the adult population, constitutes a ‘landslide’. The losers are the general public. Politicians just hijacked the people to install stakeholder capitalism. We’re heading to authoritarianism. — Goodgrief

One-third of the population voted for Labour and they get a super majority? Sort out your voting system people! — The Gent

First past the post

Labour: 35 per cent of popular support = 411 seats
Reform UK: 15 per cent of popular support = 4 seats
Lib Dems: 12 per cent of popular support = 71 seats
SNP: 3 per cent of popular support = 9 seats

Wonder when the media will start calling for an end to the first past the post electoral system like they did post the Boris wave of 2019? (Rhetorical question of course, I am not holding my breath.) — Nox1

Ignoring the actual politics, what these wild vote swings show is that the electorate is becoming more and more fragmented, with clear division between the winners and losers and those who would exploit the latter. First past the post cannot be long for this world, or the powder keg will burst. — socrane

Reform’s result will almost certainly fire up the debate about first past the post as an outdated unfair system — even more than the Ukip disproportionality in 2015 — especially if they’ve got considerably more votes than the Liberal Dems but far fewer seats. — BWKent

What next for the Conservatives?

When one defines stopping the boats as one of the conservative core principles, you understand that the Conservative party, as it was, is probably dead. — Bodoniano

There are a number of Conservative nasties who many racist ‘Reform’ nasties (of the types exposed by Channel Four News) really would put on boats leaving the UK — including Suella Braverman and Kemi Badenoch. But they have survived, as have other Brexiter non-white MPs like Priti Patel and Rishi Sunak as long as he stays. So where the Tories can go from this, I do not know. — Tim Young

The Tories keep talking about stresses like Covid and Ukraine, keep forgetting the one they inflicted on us — Brexit. — Abby P

Before I emigrated, Jeremy Hunt was my MP and I’m pleased he retained his seat. He is exactly the kind of experienced, moderate, pro-business MP which the Conservatives need if they are ever going to be electable again. — Industrialist

Reform wins four seats

He (Farage) is the most effective British politician since Blair stepped down, by a mile. — Le Gun

It’ll be interesting to see if Farage gets found out. He will have to actually do something as MP, and Clacton is not going to be an easy place to make an impact as it has been severely deprived for a long time. — Recruiting Sergeant

Farage is the most destructive politician. Brexit and dog whistle politics. His policies are non starters and belong in fantasy land. — Jaws

Keir’s no fool and he’ll appreciate, unlike Macron did, that his greatest threat lies in Reform. Labour have an immense task ahead of them and I fear that demographics and macro economics will hinder them with little sympathy from the public. — ChrisI

The real lowdown

So many people have been interviewed saying the same things. It’s time No. 10’s permanent resident — The Cat — is asked for the real lowdown in The Den during its long reign there. — Kestrell2