Australian misinformation law: Albanese government’s proposed laws

The Albanese government’s new laws to prevent the spread of ‘misinformation’ could see individuals hauled before a watchdog empowered to issue millions in fines. 

While the laws are targeted at social media giants such as Facebook and Twitter, it is unclear if the proposed legislation would allow the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) to also fine the individual creators of podcasts or website. 

Under the draft legislation ACMA will be able to fine ‘digital platform service providers’ millions of dollars for spreading what they deem is ‘mis’- or ‘disinformation’ that is also considered ‘harmful’.

A ‘digital platform provider’ is defined as ‘a person who provides a digital platform service’, which includes websites. 

Misinformation is defined in the draft bill as ‘false, misleading or deceptive’ content that is likely to cause serious harm, while disinformation is defined as misinformation that is disseminated with deceptive intent.

The government's proposed laws against 'misinformation do not give a clear answer about who they apply to

The government’s proposed laws against ‘misinformation do not give a clear answer about who they apply to

Australia’s eSafety commissioner Julie Inman Grant  (pictured) has issued Twitter with a legal notice demanding an explanation for what it was doing to stop a 'surge' in 'online hate'

Australia’s eSafety commissioner Julie Inman Grant  (pictured) has issued Twitter with a legal notice demanding an explanation for what it was doing to stop a 'surge' in 'online hate'

Australia’s eSafety commissioner Julie Inman Grant  (pictured) has issued Twitter with a legal notice demanding an explanation for what it was doing to stop a ‘surge’ in ‘online hate’

The new laws would apply ‘to a broad range’ of such platforms including search engines, news aggregators, social media and podcast services. 

Under the draft legislation ACMA could fine transgressors against the ‘code of practice’ it will establish by up to $2.75million or two per cent of global turnover.

If a transgressor breaches an ‘industry standard’, also set by the watchdog, the watchdog can impose a fine of up to $6.8million or five per cent of global turnover.

The government says the intent is to incentivise digital platform providers to have robust systems and measures in place to address misinformation and disinformation.

Government agencies, authorised electoral material or professional news content will be exempt from the proposed measures.

It is unclear if ‘professional news providers’ would include individuals who fund their own journalism with patrons or subscriptions. 

The Communications Minister’s office has been contacted for clarification. 

The bill will need the support of the Greens and two crossbench senators to pass through the federal upper house. 

Victorian UAP Senator Ralph Babet has already indicated he will oppose the laws.

‘The Labor party’s proposed “Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation Bill” is a direct threat to our democracy,’ he tweeted last Wednesday.

‘The bill as proposed makes the government and their faceless bureaucrats the arbiters of truth.

‘This proposal is not only a threat to free speech, but it seeks to impose massive financial penalties for breaches.

‘As to be expected, there is a provision which excludes federal, state and local government. One rule for them and another for us.’

Right-wing commentator Andrew Bolt has labelled the proposed new laws 'Orwellian'

Right-wing commentator Andrew Bolt has labelled the proposed new laws 'Orwellian'

Right-wing commentator Andrew Bolt has labelled the proposed new laws ‘Orwellian’

Right-wing commentator Andrew Bolt labelled the proposed laws as ‘Orwellian’.

‘The government’s hypocrisy is astonishing,’ he wrote in Monday’s Newscorp mastheads.

‘Its Bill says this ‘misinformation’ ban won’t apply to the itself or state governments.

‘So governments will be free to tell lies, but you could be banned from challenging them.

‘The most obvious danger of this Bill is that governments and their agencies can’t be trusted to define misinformation. They trade in misinformation all the time.’

Bolt argued the bill would give ‘five unelected bureaucrats … disturbing new powers to shut down important political debates’.

He pointed to Mr Albanese complaining in February that ‘misinformation’ on the Voice was being pushed to create ‘confusion and provoke division’

‘This Bill could be used to shut down anyone the political class accuses of provoking such “division” with their “misinformation”,’ Bolt asserted.

He suggested environmental activists would seize upon the bill’s injunction against mis- or disinformation ‘reasonably likely to cause or contribute to serious harm’ to censor anything they deem ’causes ‘harm to the Australian environment’.’ 

Bolt predicted forcing media and social media companies to mount costly defences against such accusations under the threat of huge fines would prompt them to ‘figure it’s much safer to ban content that dissents from the government line’.

Shadow Minister for Communications David Coleman said the bill needs to make it clear who the arbiters of truth are.

‘[The] public will want to know exactly who decides whether a particular piece of content is misinformation or disinformation,’ he told the ABC last week.

Communications Minister Michelle Rowland denied there were any sinister overtones to the bill. 

She said ‘the government has no intention of stifling freedom of speech in this area’.

‘The Albanese government is committed to keeping Australians safe online, and that includes ensuring the ACMA has the powers it needs to hold digital platforms to account for mis- and disinformation on their services,’ she said earlier this month. 

Earlier this month Australia’s eSafety commissioner Julie Inman Grant issued Twitter with a legal notice demanding an explanation for what it was doing to stop a ‘surge’ in ‘online hate’.

‘Twitter does appear to be failing: failing to confront the dark reality that the platform is increasingly being used as a vehicle for disseminating online hate and abuse,’ Ms Inman Grant wrote in an article on the Tech Policy Press website.

‘eSafety received more complaints about online hate on Twitter in the past 12 months than any other platform. In fact, close to a third of all complaints to eSafety about online hate occurred on Twitter.’ 

Ms Inman Grant said she wants to know ‘how Twitter is enforcing its hateful conduct policy’. 

She said an amnesty issued shortly after Elon Musk purchased Twitter in October  allowed around 62,000 previously banned accounts to start operating again. 

Ms Inman Grant demanded Twitter reveal ‘how many of the accounts previously banned for hate have been allowed back onto the platform – and continue to perpetuate abuse at-scale, and with relative impunity.’

‘We’re already aware of reports that the reinstatement of some of these previously banned accounts has emboldened extreme polarisers and peddlers of outrage and hate, including Australian neo-Nazis,’ she wrote.

Communications Minister Rowland has been contacted for comment. 

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