Viral liberal Twitter account ‘Erica Marsh’ is suspended

A viral liberal Twitter account run by ‘Erica Marsh’ – a blonde, former Obama staffer – has been suspended after complaints that it was a fake, devised to ‘rage bait’ and stoke division. 

The account amassed 130,000 followers and would routinely put itself at the center of angry, political debates. 

Its puppeteer, declaring themselves a ‘proud Democrat in Washington, regularly asked for diehard Democrats to share their support and silence ‘MAGA’. 

The Erica Marsh Twitter account which was 'cartoonishly liberal' and stoked angry debates over issues like affirmative action has now been suspended. The profile photo featured this image, which some said was AI generated, or was from a German site

The Erica Marsh Twitter account which was ‘cartoonishly liberal’ and stoked angry debates over issues like affirmative action has now been suspended. The profile photo featured this image, which some said was AI generated, or was from a German site 

Some of Marsh's most outlandish tweets. The account amassed 130,000 followers

Some of Marsh's most outlandish tweets. The account amassed 130,000 followers

Some of Marsh’s most outlandish tweets. The account amassed 130,000 followers 

Earlier this year, some other Twitter users began to question whether or not the profile photograph on the account was real. 

Some Twitter users questioned whether it was AI-generated. Erica claimed to have worked on the Obama Foundation and for Biden’s campaign. 

But neither had any record of her when contacted by The Washington Post, which launched an investigation into whether or not the account was real. 

There are no phone records or voter records that matches anyone by the name she used either. 

‘I strongly suspect that this person doesn’t exist. 

The account was suspended on Sunday after questions were raised. Twitter is yet to explain the decision

The account was suspended on Sunday after questions were raised. Twitter is yet to explain the decision

The account was suspended on Sunday after questions were raised. Twitter is yet to explain the decision 

‘It’s as if she dropped from the moon and arrived fully formed with this narrative that makes liberals look like idiots,’ John Scott-Railton, a senior researcher at the Citizen Lab at the University of Toronto, told the Post. 

Some of the tweets include a comment after SCOTUS outlawed affirmative action in colleges claiming black people would never get an education fairly.

‘Today’s Supreme Court decision is a direct attack on Black people. 

‘No Black person will be able to succeed in a merit-based system which is exactly why affirmative-action based programs were needed. 

‘Today’s decision is a TRAVESTY!’ 

She was inundated with remarks from Republicans who were eager to point out the flaws in her comments. 

Twitter did not immediately respond to inquiries today about why the account had been suspended.  

The user claimed to have worked for both the Obama Foundation and Biden campaign

The user claimed to have worked for both the Obama Foundation and Biden campaign

The user claimed to have worked for both the Obama Foundation and Biden campaign