Here’s how you can set up sleep schedules in ios

Here’s how you can set up sleep schedules in ios

With the arrival of iOS 14, Apple introduced the feature to set sleep schedules in the Health app. The feature isn’t as complicated as it looks. It helps users to analyse how many hours of sleep they should ideally take every night and then schedule a wake-up time accordingly.

You can set up a one-time alarm that wakes you up every day through the Clock app. The main reason behind opting for a sleep schedule feature is, it allows users to set a specific goal and keep track of their sleep routine.

For instance, you can automatically set the Sleep Focus mode at your scheduled sleep time and set up sleep reminders. If you are an Apple Watch user or use any other sleep tracker app, you will be notified once you have met or exceeded your sleep time.

Not just this, you can also customise and schedule your sleep time based on your routine. You can schedule different sleep times for weekdays and weekends.

Here’s what the Apple Support website sasy, “Your Sleep Focus automatically begins at the bedtime you schedule, but you can schedule it to begin earlier by setting a wind down period before bedtime.”

To make your sleep schedule better, here’s a step-by-step guide for you to schedule your sleep time.
