Your Instagram feed is set to change again soon, here’s what’s coming new

Your Instagram feed is set to change again soon, here’s what’s coming new

It is a fact now that Instagram is more than wary of TikTok, and Meta is doing whatever it can to stop what happened to Facebook. We already have ‘Reels’ mimicking TikTok’s vertical looping videos. Instagram went a step further and went full-TikTok with a similar UI and algorithm-fed Reels showing up on users’ home feeds for some time. However, that move did not go well with users, and Instagram had to stop its experimentation. Instagram, however, is not ready to give up on the tall vertical format.

Instagram wants you to post more tall vertical content, like reels but a photo this time. In a recent Q&A session on Instagram, Adam Mosseri, who has been heading the app since the founders left, said that Instagram would soon begin testing taller 16:9 photos on the app, as the app wants to treat photos and videos equally.

In a Q&A session on Instagram, last Friday, Mosseri said, You can have tall videos, but you cannot have tall photos on Instagram. So we thought maybe we should make sure that we treat both equally.”

Currently, if you are uploading a photo on Instagram as a post, it goes up in the 8:10 aspect ratio. So, you don’t get any option to upload your vertical portrait pictures, but soon you may be able to post one full vertical shot as a post “in a week or two.”

It is not the first time Instagram has shown interest in tall vertical photos. But, last time, it was not received well by the users who use the platform to showcase their photography skills. The new design moved the caption up top, interfering with the image, and even added an overlay to make it easier to add.

Mosseri admitted that the new vertical design is not ideal for photos, but here we are again.

Instagram’s shift towards the vertical format has not been appreciated much by its users. The app has been testing a new feed with full-screen photos and videos, very much like TikTok, but it had to halt the experiment due to huge backlash from users. But, its recent move seems like it is continuing its test disguised as small changes bringing the radical TikTok-like UI step by step instead of overhauling the whole UI.
