Trademark filing for ‘realityOS’ surfaces on the internet ahead of WWDC 2022

Trademark filing for realityOS surfaces on the internet ahead of WWDC 2022

There has been quite a lot of chatter about Apple’s AR/VR headset for quite some time now. It first showed up in 2017, and a few patents have surfaced showing what this alleged AR/VR headset would look like. Now, a week ahead of the WWDC, a trademark filing for ‘realityOS’ has been discovered, supposedly the name of the operating system for the upcoming AR/VR headset.

The trademark filings for ‘realityOS’ were found by Twitter user Parker Ortolani, who shared the pictures of two different trademark filings with the United States Patents and Trademark Office (USPTO) made on December 8, 2021. One of the filings mentions a “foreign filing date” as of June 8, two days after the WWDC keynote, which seems more than a coincidence as Parker notes that Apple tends to file trademarks for the products a day or two after the keynote.

Further, the trademark has been filed by a company named “Realityo Systems LLC,” sharing the same corporate address as Apple used for some previous macOS trademark filings. What’s more interesting is that there is no information about the company or its products on the internet, except for the ‘realityOS’ trademark filing.

Earlier this year, references to ‘realityOS’ were found in the App Store logs as ‘rOS,’ an acronym for the realityOS. The existence of an operating system for Apple’s headset dubbed rOS was first reported in 2017 by Bloomberg. According to a recent Bloomberg report, the Cupertino giant showcased the headset to its board members.

We don’t know if Apple will be showcasing its AR/VR headset at the WWDC, but we can expect some major announcements about the alleged ‘realityOS’. There are slight chances that Apple might give developers early access to the headset or the ‘realityOS’ before the headset comes out.
