Ryan Giggs trial live: Ex-girlfriend Kate Greville returns to witness box after claiming Man Utd legend ‘looked me in eyes and headbutted me’ | UK News

Kate Greville: Giggs ‘looked me straight in the eyes and headbutted me in the face’

Kate Greville tells the court she thought she had broken her elbow during the alleged assault incident.

She says Ryan Giggs told her to leave and she was “pleading” with him to give her phone back, but he refused.

Ms Greville says Giggs told her he had called the police and he would say she attacked him and she was a “pyscho”.

“He was really angry,” Ms Greville says.

“Angry but with cockiness to it.

“He was trying to bait me, basically.”

Ms Greville says she told Giggs she was glad he had called the police when he then came towards her and headbutted her.

“He came at me from nowhere,” she says.

“I said: ‘I can’t believe you’ve just done that’.

“I was in shock. I fell backwards.

“My lip instantly swelled.

“I could taste the blood.

“He deliberately wanted to hurt me.

“He looked me straight in the eyes and headbutted me in the face.”