Astronomers Stumble Upon the Longest Cosmic Radio Pulse Ever Detected

Astronomy Fast Radio Burst Art Concept
The discovery of ASKAP J1935+2148, a radio transient with a 53.8-minute period and variable emissions, hints at unexplored celestial phenomena, possibly involving a neutron star or a white dwarf in a binary system. Credit:

A newly discovered radio transient with a cycle of nearly an hour, presents an intriguing celestial puzzle. Exhibiting three different emission states, this object might be a slow-spinning neutron star or a unique white dwarf, pushing the boundaries of our current astronomical knowledge.

When astronomers point radio telescopes into space, we occasionally detect brief bursts of radio waves from distant parts of the universe. These bursts, called “radio transients,” can behave in different ways—some erupt only once and never return, while others blink on and off in regular patterns.

Most radio transients are believed to come from rotating neutron stars, known as pulsars. These stars emit consistent pulses of radio waves, like cosmic lighthouses, spinning at astonishing speeds, with each rotation taking mere seconds or even a fraction of a second.

Discovering a Unique Cosmic Phenomenon

Recently, however, we discovered a radio transient unlike anything seen before. This signal follows a cycle nearly an hour long—the longest ever recorded. In various observations, it sometimes produced long, bright flashes, at other times weak, rapid pulses, and occasionally, no signal at all.

We don’t yet fully understand what’s happening, but the source is likely a highly unusual neutron star. Still, other explanations remain possible. Our findings have been published in Nature Astronomy.

An Unprecedented Discovery in Radio Astronomy

Meet ASKAP J1935+2148 (the numbers in the name point to its location in the sky). This periodic radio transient was discovered using CSIRO’s ASKAP radio telescope on Wajarri Yamaji Country in outback Western Australia.

The telescope has a very wide field of view, which means it can survey large volumes of the universe very quickly. This makes it very well suited for detecting new and exotic phenomena.

Using ASKAP, we were simultaneously monitoring a source of gamma rays and searching for pulses from a fast radio burst, when we spotted ASKAP J1935+2148 slowly flashing in the data. The signal leapt out because it was made up of “circularly polarised” radio waves, which means the direction of the waves corkscrews around as the signal travels through space.

Long Period Pulsar Square
Artist’s depiction of CSIRO’s ASKAP radio telescope with two versions of the mysterious celestial object: neutron star or white dwarf? Credit: Carl Knox/OzGrav

Our eyes cannot differentiate between circularly polarised light and ordinary unpolarised light. However, ASKAP functions like a pair of polaroid sunglasses, filtering out the glare from thousands of ordinary sources.

After the initial detection, we conducted further observations over several months using ASKAP and also the more sensitive MeerKAT radio telescope in South Africa.

Observational Advances and Mysteries Unfold

ASKAP J1935+2148 belongs to the relatively new class of long-period radio transients. Only two others have ever been found, and ASKAP J1935+2148’s 53.8-minute period is by far the longest.

However, the exceptionally long period is just the beginning. We have seen ASKAP J1935+2148 in three distinct states or modes.

In the first state, we see bright, linearly (rather than circularly) polarised pulses lasting from 10 to 50 seconds. In the second state, there are much weaker, circularly polarised pulses lasting only about 370 milliseconds. The third state is a quiet or quenched state, with no pulses at all.

ASKAP J1935+2148 Blinking
ASKAP J1935+2148 blinking on and off. The glowing cloud above is the remains of a long-ago exploded star called a supernova remnant. Credit: Emil Lenc, CC BY-NC

These different modes, and the switching between them, could result from an interplay of complex magnetic fields and plasma flows from the source itself with strong magnetic fields in the surrounding space.

Similar patterns have been seen in neutron stars, but our current understanding of neutron stars suggests they should not be able to have such a long period.

Speculating on Celestial Behaviors

The origin of a signal with such a long period remains a profound mystery, with a slow-spinning neutron star the prime suspect. However, we cannot rule out the possibility the object is a white dwarf – the Earth-sized cinder of a burnt-out star that has exhausted its fuel.

White dwarfs often have slow rotation periods, but we don’t know of any way one could produce the radio signals we are seeing here. What’s more, there are no other highly magnetic white dwarfs nearby, which makes the neutron star explanation more plausible.

One explanation might be that the object is part of a binary system in which a neutron star or white dwarf orbits another unseen star.

This object might prompt us to reconsider our decades-old understanding of neutron stars or white dwarfs, particularly in how they emit radio waves and what their populations are like within our galaxy. Further research is needed to confirm what the object is, but either scenario would provide valuable insights into the physics of these extreme objects.

The Future of Cosmic Exploration

We don’t know how long ASKAP J1935+2148 has been emitting radio signals, as radio astronomy surveys don’t usually search for objects with periods this long. Moreover, radio emissions from this source are only detected for a mere 0.01% to 1.5% of its rotation period, depending on its emission state.

So we were quite fortunate we happened to catch sight of ASKAP J1935+2148. It’s quite likely there are many other objects like it elsewhere in our galaxy, waiting to be discovered.

For more on this discovery:

Written by:

  • Manisha Caleb, Lecturer, University of Sydney
  • Emil Lenc, Research Scientist, Space and Astronomy, CSIRO

Adapted from an article originally published in The Conversation.The Conversation