Webb Reveals a Strange “Popcorn Planet” With an Asymmetrical Atmosphere

Exoplanet WASP-107b
Artist’s illustration of the exoplanet WASP-107 b in orbit around its host star. This illustration is based on transit observations from NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope’s NIRCam instrument as well as other space- and ground-based telescopes. Credit: Rachel Amaro, University of Arizona

Using the James Webb Space Telescope, astronomers have revealed new atmospheric details about WASP-107b, an exoplanet known as the “popcorn planet” due to its puffed-up nature.

Recent findings show a surprising east-west asymmetry in its atmosphere, a characteristic previously unseen, offering fresh insights into the dynamic atmospheric conditions of such unique celestial bodies.

New Surprises From the “Popcorn Planet”

The fascinating “popcorn planet” is back in the spotlight! Using NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), a team of international astronomers has discovered new atmospheric details on WASP-107b, an exoplanet with a puffed-up atmosphere due to tidal heating. Previously described as an extremely low-density “popcorn planet” by researchers, WASP-107b has once again proven to be an intriguing subject, revealing even more surprising characteristics about its inflated and dynamic atmosphere.

WASP-107b, a gas giant about the size of Jupiter but with just one-tenth of its mass, has long baffled astronomers with its puffy, inflated state. Now, JWST’s advanced observations have provided an even closer look, revealing an unexpected east-west asymmetry in its atmosphere—marking one of the first times such details have been observed in an exoplanet.

Insights From JWST’s Detailed Analysis

“Our previous findings showed that WASP-107b is extraordinarily puffed up, almost as if the planet had popped like a kernel of popcorn under its own heat,” explained co-author Luis Welbanks, a 51 Pegasi b Fellow at Arizona State University’s School of Earth and Space Exploration. “With JWST, we are getting a clearer picture of what’s happening in its atmosphere in three-dimensions, and it turns out there’s even more to munch on!”

The study was published on September 24 in the journal Nature Astronomy. It was led by Matthew Murphy, a graduate student at the University of Arizona’s Steward Observatory, with contributions from Welbanks and Associate Professor Michael Line, from Arizona State University.

New Discoveries Highlight Atmospheric Asymmetry

Earlier in 2024, the previous study led by ASU researchers revealed that WASP-107b had a significantly hotter interior and a more massive core than previously hypothesized thanks to the broadband spectrum showing simultaneous detections of carbon-, oxygen-, nitrogen- and sulfur-bearing molecules. Now, the reanalysis of JWST observations uncover an east-west atmospheric asymmetry. This feature suggests differences in the properties between the two sides of the exoplanet.

“The source of this asymmetry is intriguing. While our initial analysis suggests that the asymmetries may be due to one limb of the planet being more cloudy than the other, this could also be linked to how heat is transported across the planet’s atmosphere,” said Line. “It’s as if one side of WASP-107b is cooking faster than the other!”

Tidal Locking and Unique Climate Features

WASP-107b is tidally locked to its star, meaning one side always faces the star, basking in constant daylight, while the other side remains in perpetual darkness. This condition, combined with the planet’s low gravity and inflated state, makes WASP-107b an ideal candidate for studying the unique processes at work in exoplanetary atmospheres.

To study the planet’s atmosphere, researchers used a technique called transmission spectroscopy, which involves analyzing the starlight that filters through the exoplanet’s atmosphere as it passes in front of its star. The high sensitivity of JWST allowed the team to isolate and examine the signals from the eastern and western edges of the atmosphere separately, something never before achieved with this level of detail.

“The high precision of JWST’s instruments is like having a magnifying glass for planets,” said Welbanks. “We can now look at specific processes happening on each side of WASP-107b’s atmosphere, giving us valuable insights into how climate works in these extreme conditions.”

Conclusion: Future Research and Implications

WASP-107b’s atmosphere, which reaches temperatures around 890 degrees Fahrenheit, sits in an intermediate range between the planets in our solar system and the hottest exoplanets known. This makes it an important target for understanding the diverse climates and atmospheric dynamics of exoplanets.

“Traditionally, our observing techniques don’t work as well for these intermediate planets, so there’s been a lot of exciting open questions that we can finally start to answer,” Murphy said. “For example, some of our models told us that a planet like WASP-107b shouldn’t have this asymmetry at all – so we’re already learning something new.”

The researchers now plan to conduct additional observations to delve deeper into what drives this atmospheric asymmetry. These ongoing studies will help astronomers piece together the puzzle of how such inflated exoplanets maintain their structure and how heat, winds, and atmospheric chemistry interact to create the unique conditions observed on WASP-107b.

For more on this discovery, see Webb Reveals a Uniquely Inflated and Asymmetric Exoplanet.

Reference: “Evidence for morning-to-evening limb asymmetry on the cool low-density exoplanet WASP-107 b” by Matthew M. Murphy, Thomas G. Beatty, Everett Schlawin, Taylor J. Bell, Michael R. Line, Thomas P. Greene, Vivien Parmentier, Emily Rauscher, Luis Welbanks, Jonathan J. Fortney and Marcia Rieke, 24 September 2024, Nature Astronomy.
DOI: 10.1038/s41550-024-02367-9