Life in plastic is certainly looking fantastic for Margot Robbie, as Warner Bros. teased Barbie fans with a glimpse of its upcoming new movie. In a first image of the...
The project marks the fourth HBO film from director Barry Levinson, whose past efforts were devoted to Joe Paterno, Dr. Jack Kevorkian and Bernie Madoff. While each of those figures...
President Xi Jinping told a meeting of senior economic officials Tuesday that "all out efforts" must be made to boost construction to increase domestic demand and promote growth.He said that...
The recordings come courtesy of Anthony Summers , author of the 1985 book about Monroe, "Goddess." The interviews include a wide range of those who crossed her path, offering the...
Fewer still understand why former President Donald Trump and Republicans persist in their long-disproven claim that the 2020 presidential election was stolen. Much less why they are obsessed about making...
"So, I guess to drink each other's blood might mislead people or people are imagining us with goblets and we're like 'Game of Thrones,' drinking each other's blood," she told...
The UN World Health Organization (WHO) said on Wednesday that people have now been inoculated in Mbandaka, the capital city of Equateur Province west. It follows the deaths of two...
The company Wednesday announced it would temporarily pause the start of production for its 777X passenger jet, which it planned to start delivering to customers by the end of 2023....
Madeleine Albright's life in picturesMadeleine Albright, seen here in 1997, was the first woman to serve as US secretary of state. Madeleine Albright's life in picturesA young Albright sits with...