An Aga helps you cook, heat and do the ironing – all on off-peak electricity | Life and style

An Aga helps you cook, heat and do the ironing – all on off-peak electricity | Life and style

Our Aga costs less than half the amount – £70 a week – that your column suggests (Pass notes, 13 September). Not only does it run on off-peak electricity, it warms the biggest room in the house, irons my linen, provides a loving centre for the family to gather, unfailingly makes cups of tea and cooks the most delicious meals.

This winter, to cut the cost of our oil central heating, we will probably move the TV into the kitchen and sit toasty warm by the Aga. Can any other type of electric stove provide such lasting good cheer and warmth, and cost just £100 a month to run? Besides, the cat would leave home if we ripped out the Aga.
Sarah Geeson-Brown
Charlbury, Oxfordshire

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