Tell us: have you been offered reduced rent in exchange for childcare? | Childcare

Tell us: have you been offered reduced rent in exchange for childcare? | Childcare

As rents rise and childcare costs go up, have you been offered lower rent in exchange for helping out with childcare or other tasks?

We would like to hear people’s experiences of these sorts of arrangements. Have you spotted any adverts online? Have you taken on an arrangement yourself? Please share with us below.

Share your experience

You can share your experience of exchanging rent for a childcare arrangement using the form below.

Your responses, which can be anonymous, are secure as the form is encrypted and only the Guardian has access to your contributions. We will only use the data you provide us for the purpose of the feature and we will delete any personal data when we no longer require it for this purpose. For true anonymity please use our SecureDrop service instead.