High school under fire for sex education class where they displayed wooden dildo and sent boys home with condoms and drawings of two men having sex

A high school has come under fire for displaying wooden dildos as part of its sex education classes where  ‘graphic’ flipbook cartoons showing two men having sex were handed out.

The Virden Collegiate Institute in Manitoba, Canada also gave students condoms as part of lessons on how to use the prophylactics.

But furious parents have accused the school of providing their tenth grade-aged kids with ‘porn’.

Mom Janine Penner took to Facebook to express her outrage, saying her son had been given a ‘gay porn graphic flip book at school as a method of learning how to use condoms and in addition, received 15 condoms’.

The book entitled, ‘Who’s got the condom’ is produced by CATIE, a Canadian HIV and Hepatitis prevention non-profit. The school said it was brought in for a health presentation ‘without authorization’ by the service provider.

Virden Collegiate Institute has come under fire for displaying wooden dildos as part of its sex education classes where ‘graphic’ flipbook cartoons showing two men having sex were handed out

The book entitled, 'Who's got the condom' is produced by CATIE, a Canadian HIV and Hepatitis prevention non-profit

The book entitled, ‘Who’s got the condom’ is produced by CATIE, a Canadian HIV and Hepatitis prevention non-profit

The flipbook features images of a man masturbating another before they have sex. When flipped quickly it shows the two thrusting

The flipbook features images of a man masturbating another before they have sex. When flipped quickly it shows the two thrusting 

The cartoon features drawings of a man masturbating another man as he lies back.

The man then produces and applies a pink condom before the other man climbs on top of him. The final pages when flipped rapidly animate the couple thrusting.

The book is described by its distributors as, ‘Flipping fun—a pocket-sized flip book that graphically models condom use between two men’. 

However there is no text in the 53 page document until right at the very end, where CATIE’s details are listed alongside a notice about the importance of using protection.

The wooden penis model is designed by Lifestyles and is designed as an aid for demonstrating condom use.

A dad who said his daughter attends the same school said the materials were displayed outside the school’s office and had been brought in by a public health nurse, Reduxx reports.

A father in Ontario also claimed his 14-year-old daughter was given the same materials as part of sex ed at her school, according to the outlet.

Penner’s post sparked an outpouring of fury from other parents and concerned adults.

Furious parents branded the booklet 'gay porn' and said it was inappropriate for children

Furious parents branded the booklet ‘gay porn’ and said it was inappropriate for children

‘Totally inappropriate is the nicest thing I can say. I thought our Division, schools and teachers were better than that. I was wrong!! If I did that to young men and boys I would be in prison,’ Kelvin Siemens said. 

Robert Gallinger wrote: ‘I’m all for children learning about their bodies as part of a Health Class, But there are somethings that should be taught by parents instead of from a teacher in school. Time for education and learning about the world around you both should be in the Home first then the world of the school.’

‘I looked at the photo pamphlet that they had as an option for the kids to look through, it’s cartoon gay porn it’s disgusting and it shouldn’t be shown to minors,’ Gatlin Neufield wrote.

‘Anybody who supports that, is the problem. This is outrageous no matter which way you look at it the fact that that’s even part of the argument just goes to show how fucked and disgusting our society has become.’

The Virden Collegiate Institute caters to around 305 students and offers ‘alternative education classes’, according to its website.

The school in Manitoba, Canada is said to have handed out the materials to 10th grade aged students

The school in Manitoba, Canada is said to have handed out the materials to 10th grade aged students

CATIE confirmed that the flipbooks are not designed for high school age students.

‘The flipbooks weren’t created for high school students, but we know that high school students have sex, and if they do, they should have information on safer sex regardless of gender or sexuality’ executive director Jody Jollimore said.

‘This booklet was created by Indigenous sexual health experts to respond to a need for safer sex information for visual learners. 

‘Curiously, we have a similar flipbook depicting a straight couple, but 99 percent of the complaints we receive are about the gay one.’

‘To bring some clarity to the recent presentation at our High School, there was a display table that was set up during the noon hour up by the service provider without authorization,’ Barry Pitz, superintendent at Fort La Bosse School Division said.

‘The school has since been in communication with the provider and communication has gone home to parents/caregivers.’