Voluntary assisted dying laws under scrutiny after grieving widower took drugs meant for his terminally ill wife

A state’s euthanasia scheme has come under scrutiny after a widower struggling with grief took a substance that was meant for his wife.

A Queensland man in his 80s known as ABC, whose wife had terminal cancer, took a lethal substance meant for her in May 2023.

An inquest started in Brisbane on Tuesday and heard ABC was responsible for the safe keeping of the lethal medication.

His wife chose to self-administer the drugs under Queensland’s voluntary assisted dying (VAD) laws to end her suffering as she was in her final stage of the insidious disease.

The inquest heard the woman’s husband of nearly 60 years was the nominated contact person –  which is a role which requires someone to return any unused VAD substances within 14 days of a patient choosing to euthanise.

A Queensland man his 80s took his wife’s euthanasia substance after she died in hospital. An inquest into the man’s death said ‘improvements’ to the scheme could be made

If a patient changes their mind to self-administer the lethal drugs, the same 14-day rule applies. 

As reported by The Courier Mail, the inquest was told a specialist VAD team from Brisbane drove to a hospital in the regional town where the couple lived to deliver the VAD substance.

The couple’s daughter said during the handover the VAD team were ‘very concise’ and checked with her mum if she wanted to continue with VAD.

It was here the team also explained to the husband his responsibilities as the contact person. 

The daughter shared that her father took the substance home – where her mother wanted to die – and locked it up.

‘He took the fact it was a controlled substance quite seriously in regards to safekeeping it. (He was) by the book, always has been,’ she said.

However, ABC’s wife had to be admitted to hospital due to her cancer symptoms progressing – which also meant she was physically unable to take anything orally.

To make matters worse, the cancer patient contracted Covid-19 in hospital.

ABC’s wife took back her decision to self-administer the VAD substance.

The 14-day period began once she changed her mind and the husband was told to take the VAD substance to a pharmacy.

However, ABC also contracted Covid and was frustrated he could not visit his wife. 

Sadly, his wife died in hospital which caused ABC to struggle with both his grief and Covid.

It was during this time the VAD team called multiple times and told ABC how important it was for him to return the substance.

The daughter told the inquest her father and her decided to take it to the pharmacy when he went to collect a script.

The day before their trip was scheduled the daughter left her dad to do some errands.

When she returned she found him dead in a chair with the VAD substance box next to him.

‘I thought he was asleep in the chair. I put my arms around him. He was cold’, she said. 

The woman told the court even though she was ‘200 per cent behind’ the VAD scheme, she believed some details in the information booklet could be highlighted.

‘I think because of the heightened emotion you tend to miss things,’ she said.

She said an example is she didn’t think to ask whether she could be the person to return the deadly substance. 

Coroner David O’Connell who is investigating the man’s death, told the couple’s daughter improvements could be made.

Queensland’s voluntary assisted dying scheme began in January 2023 and accepted 245 patients within its first six months.

Just under half of the people chose self-administration.

Just over half of those people had elected to have a life-ending substance administered by a medical practitioner and the balance chose self-administration.

The inquest heard since ABC’s death, processes and monitoring had changed within the VAD scheme.

The inquest has raised the issue of who in the community should have access to end-of-life-drugs and how closely it should be

The inquest has raised the issue of who in the community should have access to end-of-life-drugs and how closely it should be 

A witness who works in the VAD scheme said broadening the amount of people who can return the lethal substance was a possibility.

The inquest also heard that patients can hold onto the VAD substance for up to a year.

‘I think the tension is… the Act was designed so that someone could have that substance to take at the timing and manner of their choosing,’ she said.

‘And I think that inherently has a risk, no one would argue that, those substances are in the community.’

The witness said patients often have other strong medication in their homes that are not monitored and this case is the only one where someone else had taken the lethal substance that was meant for a terminally ill person.

The inquest also heard that background and mental health checks were not carried out on the contact people in the scheme. 

In fact, they don’t even have to show a driver’s licence.

‘Do you accept that there is greater security to get into a nightclub in Brisbane than to become a contact person?’ Mr O’Connell asked the witness.

‘Yes,’ she said.

However the witness said the scheme should be careful who it should preclude from becoming a contact person.

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