Johnny Depp and Amber Heard defamation trial: Heard’s attorneys rest case

Depp has sued Heard for $50 million over a 2018 op-ed for the Washington Post in which she called herself a domestic abuse survivor. Though Depp was not named in the piece, he claims it caused him to lose tens of millions in earnings. Heard countersued for $100 million over statements made by Depp’s lawyer, who described Heard’s claims of abuse as a “hoax” in news reports.

Heard testified over the course of five days this month. Witnesses for her side have included actress Ellen Barkin, whose recorded testimony was played for jurors last week. Barkin stated that while in a sexual relationship with Depp in the 1990s, she once saw the actor throw a wine bottle at a wall during an altercation.

Johnny Depp associates testify about challenges working with him

Depp’s attorney presented a motion to strike Heard’s counterclaims against Depp on Tuesday.

His team is expected to then begin presenting rebuttal witnesses. Kate Moss, Depp’s former girlfriend, may be called to testify on Wednesday.

Closing arguments in the trial, which began in April, are expected on Friday.