Whitby Abbey seeks vampires to beat world record in honor of Dracula’s 125th anniversary

Located in North Yorkshire, United Kingdom, the ruins at Whitby Abbey consist of a monastery built in the 600s that later became a 13th century Benedictine abbey.

The novel’s author, Bram Stoker, visited the site in 1890. He even picked up the name of his villain from a book he read at the public library on Vlad Tepes — better known as Vlad the Impaler — during his visit, according to English Heritage, a nonprofit that manages the ruins. The abbey is featured throughout “Dracula.”
On May 26, the abbey will be attempting to break the world record for the largest gathering of people dressed as vampires. The record is currently held by Ed Kuhlmann, who organized 1,039 participants dressed as vampires in Virginia in 2011, according to Guinness.
Entry to the abbey will be free for all those wearing “traditional vampire fancy dress” and participate in the record attempt, says English Heritage.

This means you’ll have to wear black trousers or a black dress, black shoes, a waistcoat, a shirt, and a black cape or collared overcoat if you hope to get free entry and help break the record. And, of course, don’t forget your fangs.

The event will also feature live local music, food and drink, and a performance of excerpts from “Dracula” by a theater group.