Bali bombmaker Umar Patek shown laughing with jailer in Indonesian prison’s promo video

Bali bombmaker Umar Patek has starred in a promotional video for the Indonesian prison where he is being held claiming he tried to stop the 2002 atrocity.

In the extraordinary clip posted on the YouTube channel of Porong prison in East Java, Patek is seen laughing and smiling as he chats with prison governor Jalu Yuswa Panjang.

Patek, 52, claims he only took part in the Sari Club and Paddy’s Bar bombings that killed 202 innocent people, including 88 Australians, because the plot was already ‘well advanced’.

The 2002 bombings killed more than 200 people, including 88 Australians

The 2002 bombings killed more than 200 people, including 88 Australians

The horror of the Bali Bombing 

At about 11pm on 12 October 2002 three bombs were detonated in Bali, two in busy nightspots – the Sari Club and Paddy’s Bar – and one in front of the American consulate.

The explosions killed 202 people, 88 of whom were Australian, and wounded hundreds more.

Carried out by terrorist organisation Jemaah Islamiyah, the attacks represent the single largest loss of Australian life due to an act of terror.

More than 30 people were eventually arrested for their involvement in the attacks.


In the wake of the attacks, the Australian Defence Force immediately mobilised and, just 17 hours after the blast, the first RAAF plane arrived to evacuate injured Australians. In the largest aero-medical evacuation since the Vietnam War, at least 66 badly injured people were flown to Darwin for treatment.

The military then assisted in secondary transfers of people from Darwin to medical centres around the country.

Source: National Museum of Australia

‘My mistake was to be involved with the Bali bombing,’ he said as the pair stroll in a carefree manner around the prison grounds.

‘When I know that all intentions were to execute the bomb, I stated I didn’t want to do that.

‘Everything was ready, the bomb was about 950 kilos. Ready.’

Patek, whose real name is Hisyam bin Ali Zein, was a member of radical Islamic terror group Jemaah Islamiah.

He claimed did not come back to Indonesia after working with al-Qaeda-backed terror groups in the Philippines, Afghanistan and Pakistan to take part in the bombing.

‘I didn’t come to Indonesia to join the Bali bomb project’ he says.

‘Even when I found out about it I was so against it, I disagreed with it.

‘I asked the others at the time, what were the reasons for the attack plan. There were no reasons.’

In the video Governor Panjang calls Patek ‘our friend’ and even seems to be trying to help his love life. 

‘This morning I joined our brother Umar Patek, our friend in Block F,’ the governor says at the start of the 20-minute video.

‘Today we are going to talk to him about, who exactly is Umar Patek? Many do not know. Maybe there are a lot of ladies out there who want to know?’

After their amiable stroll is concluded the pair shake hands.

Patek, could walk free this month after serving less than half the 20-year jail term he was handed in 2014 for his role in making the explosive.

Multiple remissions for good behaviour mean he could be on parole well before the 20th anniversary of the attack.

Bali bombmaker Umar Patek (pictured left) has starred in a promotional video for the Indonesian jail where he is being held

Bali bombmaker Umar Patek (pictured left) has starred in a promotional video for the Indonesian jail where he is being held

Bali bombmaker Umar Patek (pictured left) has starred in a promotional video for the Indonesian jail where he is being held

In the video Patek talks amiably with Pajong Prison  Governor Jalu Yuswa Panjang and says he was against the bombing but went along with it because the plot was well advanced

In the video Patek talks amiably with Pajong Prison  Governor Jalu Yuswa Panjang and says he was against the bombing but went along with it because the plot was well advanced

In the video Patek talks amiably with Pajong Prison  Governor Jalu Yuswa Panjang and says he was against the bombing but went along with it because the plot was well advanced

Governor Panjang, who supports Patek’s early release, encouraged the prisoner to talk about what his daily routine.

‘I spend a lot of my time in the mosque with my friends. I also help out at a small shop,’ Patek said.

The convicted terrorist said he wanted to work with the Indonesian government to combat radicalisation.

‘I’d like to help the government to educate people about the issue, for millennials and maybe terror inmates in prisons.’ Patek said.

‘I am open to help the directorate general of correctional facilities or other institutions.’ 

Umar Patek could walk free within days after only serving about half of his original 20-year sentence

Umar Patek could walk free within days after only serving about half of his original 20-year sentence

Umar Patek could walk free within days after only serving about half of his original 20-year sentence

Patek said radicalism was still a problem in Indonesia.

‘God willing I can gather with my family again,’ he said.

‘In my opinion radicalism still exists. It can be anywhere in any region or country. Because the roots are still there.’

Perth mother June Corteen, whose twin daughters were killed in the bombings, has erupted with fury over Patek’s potential release, saying he does not deserve any clemency.

‘I don’t believe he has changed. I don’t believe he reckons he knows what he’s done wrong,’ she told Channel Seven.

‘Please don’t let him go. Please don’t let him out, keep an eye on him for the rest of his life.’

News of Patek's potential release comes less than two months away from October's 20th anniversary of the bombings (pictured, the site of the horrific blast)

News of Patek's potential release comes less than two months away from October's 20th anniversary of the bombings (pictured, the site of the horrific blast)

News of Patek’s potential release comes less than two months away from October’s 20th anniversary of the bombings (pictured, the site of the horrific blast)

Melbourne man Jan Laczynski, who lost five friends in the Bali bombings, expressed serious doubts about Patek’s change of heart.

‘He’s saying all of this in a high-security jail. It’s a lot different when you’re going out and about mixing with all the people that originally led him down this path,’ he told the ABC. 

Indonesian terrorism expert Muhamad Syauqillah said about 10 per cent of terrorists fall back into extremism once released even if they are or claim to be de-radicalised.

‘Whether former prisoners re-engage with terrorism is very much dependent on how authorities manage the deradicalisation programs after their release,’ he said.

‘That process must continue and not stop when he’s freed.’