MP Housefather denounces antisemitic poster telling him to ‘get out of Canada’

Liberal MP Anthony Housefather is speaking out against an antisemitic poster that called him a neo-Nazi and saying he should “get out of Canada.”

Housefather shared a photo of the poster on the social media platform X on Tuesday night. The photo shows the poster taped to a concrete lamppost in Montreal. A Nazi flag and an Israeli flag with the star replaced by a swastika are displayed on the sign alongside the words “Housefather = Neo-Nazi” and “get out of Canada.”

“My family has been here since the 19th century and we have indeed helped build this country. I am not going anywhere. Sorry antisemites. You may not like what I have to say but I will keep saying it,” Housefather wrote in his social media post.

Housefather told CBC News that the photo of the poster was sent to him by multiple community members who happened upon the sign. He said it wasn’t displayed in his district but a neighbouring riding.

The Montreal MP has been an outspoken advocate for Israel within the Liberal party and has pushed for the House justice committee to conduct a study of antisemitism on and off university campuses.

Housefather publicly discussed leaving the Liberal party earlier this year after a majority of caucus voted in favour of an NDP motion criticizing Israel’s conduct in its ongoing conflict with Hamas and called on the government to work toward recognizing a Palestinian state. He ultimately decided to stay in caucus.

Liberal MP Marco Mendicino posted on social media in support of his caucus colleague on Tuesday night.

“This isn’t 1938. It’s 2024. I don’t give a shit what party you’re in (or not), the condemnation of this antisemitic garbage should be universal and deafening!” Mendocino said in a post on X.

Canadian Jewish advocacy groups have been raising concerns about a rise in antisemitism in the country.

In its latest annual audit, B’nai Brith Canada reported the number of antisemitic incidents in the country more than doubled from 2022 to 2023 and has now reached a record high. The groups said that between Jan. 1, 2023, and Dec. 31, 2023, it logged 5,791 incidents of antisemitism, surpassing the previous record of 2,799 reported in 2021.