How to sleep: The fundamentals to achieve the perfect night’s sleep

So how can a person achieve the perfect night of sleep? Here’s a few tips from sleep expert Anne Marie Boyhan to ensure your slumber is sound. Her first tip is to get a high amount of exposure to natural light, which ensures a production of melatonin, a hormone that is incredibly helpful in promoting sleep. Melatonin allows your body to shift into a stage of tiredness, preparing you for the perfect slumber. Another effective tip that can be easily added into your night routine is ensuring there’s a relaxing environment for your mind and body.

However much you may want to watch those last few episodes of your favourite TV show, don’t.

Technology emits blue light, which blocks the sleep-inducing hormone melatonin, which can be incredibly harmful when you’re trying to get to sleep.

According to Boyhan, 54 percent of the population need complete silence to sleep.

Evidently, your environment is incredibly important before attempting to sleep.

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Not only are distractions, such as scrolling on your mobile phone or watching TV, counterproductive, but the state of your room could actually affect your ability to sleep.

For the best chances of sleep, Boyhan recommends ensuring your room is organised and clear.

If you’re taking more than five to 10 minutes to drift off into sleep at night, then there may be a problem.

So, look around – if your bedroom is full of plates from yesterday’s snacks and there are clothes covering the floor, these could all be subconsciously impacting your sleep.


Worryingly, 60 percent of Britons think their bedtime routine could be better.

The National Sleep Foundation recommends going to sleep and waking up at the same time every day, including weekends, and when on holiday.

A consistent bedtime routine could also be beneficial in mentally preparing yourself for bed.

For example, you could take a warm bath up to an hour before you are planning to go to sleep every night.

Or you could decide this when you will read a paperback book (not one that is read on an electronic device).

Moreover, it is advised to finish any meals up to three hours before you go to bed.

And it’s helpful to limit any caffeine content in the afternoon, including tea, coffee, cola, and chocolate.

By incorporating these helpful tips into your nightly routine, you might be on your way to better sleep and better health.

Source: | This article first appeared on