Scandal of 10,000 children waiting in NHS queues

More than 10,000 ­children in Scotland are stuck on ‘catastrophic’ NHS waiting lists, ­doctors have warned.

Nearly one in two youngsters on the lists are waiting for 12 weeks or more to see a consultant or to receive treatment.

Doctors say some families forced to wait months end up bringing their children into already overwhelmed A&E departments instead.

There are concerns that long waiting times can lead to ‘irreversible’ consequences for children.

A damning report by the Royal ­College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) said waiting lists for youngsters doubled in size in a decade. Scottish Tory health spokesman Dr Sandesh Gulhane said: ‘This deeply concerning report shows how young patients are being repeatedly let down by the SNP.

‘Successive health secretaries have failed to act and waiting times at children’s hospitals have spiralled over the last decade as a result.

Medics have issues a warning over the number of children waiting for treatment in Scotland

‘That will alarm any parent who wants to know that their child will not be suffering excess delays in Scotland’s NHS. The SNP needs to get an urgent grip of this and ensure resources are in place to avoid young patients suffering longer and longer waits.’

The RCPCH report found the number of children waiting for their first out­patient appointment rose from 4,898 to 10,512 between October 2012 and ­September 2023. These include appointments for a range of NHS specialities except mental health, cardiology and ear, nose and throat.

The percentage of children waiting longer than 12 weeks for their first outpatient appointment rose from 1 per cent of all cases in 2012 to 48.9 per cent last year. That equates to 5,137 children who had been waiting more than 12 weeks for their first outpatient appointment last September.

The report warns: ‘Our members tell us that over the past 11 years pressures on services and staff have greatly increased and this has resulted in a greater number of children and young people waiting for longer periods.’

A doctor quoted in the report said: ‘It is incredibly concerning to see the ­numbers of children and young people waiting over 12 weeks to be seen as an outpatient increasing substantially over the years. As an emergency department consultant, I regularly see the impact of this as families resort to bringing children to the emergency department for support instead.’

RCPCH Scotland officer Dr Mairi Stark said: ‘A 114 per cent increase in out­patient waiting times over the past 11 years signifies a clear failure to prioritise the health and wellbeing of our children. Lengthy waits are unacceptable for any patient, but for children and young ­people the waits can be catastrophic as many treatments need to be given by a specific age or developmental stage.

‘It is not the same as for adults – if you miss the right window to treat a child or wait too long the consequences can be irreversible. What’s more, the shocking data in this report is just the very tip of the iceberg.

‘We know that there are exceptionally long waits for other services children and young people access, such as mental health and ear, nose and throat services. We need to give the child health workforce the support it needs to care for the children and young people of Scotland. We urge the Government to heed our advice and implement our recommendations.’

She added: ‘In short, we must take bold measures to improve both waiting times and access to healthcare professionals and services.’

The RCPCH has called for a full review of the child health NHS workforce and more community-based paediatric ­services, as well as better resources and advice for families and children.

There are around 995 paediatric doctors working in the NHS in Scotland and 2 per cent of consultant posts are vacant. Among paediatric nurses, 5.3 per cent of posts are vacant as well as 4.6 per cent of school nurse posts.

The Scottish Government said: ‘We are committed to driving down waiting times for children and young people and have increased investment in frontline NHS boards by more than half-a-billion pounds. Since 2014 we have added 43 additional speciality training posts to paediatrics.’