Experts reveal why hundreds of millions of Americans should DITCH their annual physical – they say it’s a waste of time and money

Annual physical exams with primary care doctors are a hallmark of the American healthcare system. 

But a growing number of experts now say these visits are nothing but a waste of time and money – and do little to prolong a healthy life.

In fact, some top doctors even say they risk causing harm by picking up harmless abnormalities and sending patients for unnecessary tests – which carry risks like infection, pain and damage from radiation.

‘Doing a bunch of unnecessary tests and taking up valuable time for people who are well—that’s not useful,’ Dr Ezekiel Emanuel, chair of the Department of Medical Ethics and Health Policy at the University of Pennsylvania’s Perelman School of Medicine, said it a recent interview. 

Annual physical exams cost, for the non-insured, up to $500, depending on your State, and are designed to spot the earliest signs of serious diseases.

In the 30-minute appointment doctors will typically perform a mumber of tests including checking heart rate, blood pressure, temperature and lung capacity.

 Depression screening may also take place, and physicians also examine your body for lumps and bumps that could cause a problem.

An estimated 44 million Americans attend these appointments every year, the cost of which adds up to about $10 billion – mostly to insurers.

Annual checkups when you’re feeling well are seen as an ideal setting to voice concerns with a doctor and get ahead of any burgeoning health issues before they snowball.

But systematic reviews of patient data have shown that regular check ups do prevent disease. 

One sweeping review published in 2012 found that they ‘did not reduce morbidity or mortality, neither overall nor for cardiovascular or cancer causes,’ though they did lead to more diagnoses.

Some 44 million Americans attend their annual physical exams, but experts say they're useless

Some 44 million Americans attend their annual physical exams, but experts say they’re useless

When it came to the causes of death that are most likely to be affected by health check-ups, such as deaths from heart problems or cancer, there were no decreases in mortality either.

Dr Emanuel added: ‘If you’re healthy, there’s every reason to believe these visits make no difference.’

Well visits could even be harmful. 

Some parts of the regular check-up, like the thorough physical exam (which might find things like nodules on the thyroid) and routine tests (like checking your urine), aren’t very accurate, according to Dr Ateev Mehrotra, an associate professor of health care policy and medicine at Harvard Medical School.

This means that many times, positive results in people with no symptoms might actually be wrong – and pick up ‘problems’ that are in fact harmless.

The standard annual visit with healthy patients also dominates the schedules of primary care physicians whose time could be diverted to more urgent health issues.

Dr Mehrotra said: ‘Eliminating the annual physical might appear contradictory to our health care system’s increased attention to prevention.

‘But it is evidence-based prevention that’s key, and the annual physical is not evidence-based: research has demonstrated both its minimal benefit and potential harms.’

However, some experts say that those who aren’t in perfect health may get something from a regular once-over.

Evidence suggests those with chronic diseases, or at high risk of developing them,  could benefit from annual checkups, according to the Society of General Internal Medicine, a professional group.