7 Effective Home Remedies For Oral Cavities That Experts Swear By

Find out the “7 Effective Home Remedies For Oral Cavities That Experts Swear By” Oral cavities, typically referring to dental cavities or caries, are a widespread health concern with significant global statistics. Around 3.5 billion people globally suffer from oral diseases, with nearly 2 billion affected by tooth decay. Nearly 60% of adolescents aged 12-19 have had a cavity in their permanent teeth. While 1 in 4 adults aged 20-64 currently has at least one cavity. It is important to note that untreated cavities cause pain, difficulty eating, and can lead to serious infections.

While medication can play a role in treating existing cavities, the best approach is always prevention. To prevent oral cavities, you can try several effective home remedies that experts recommend. However, it is essential to consult with your dentist regularly for proper dental care and treatment. Some of the home remedies that can help prevent cavities include:

Guava leaves

Guava leaves have been used for toothache for years due to their antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Guava leaves contain nutrients such as Vitamin B and C, Magnesium, Manganese, Potassium, Iron, Lycopene, and Quercetin, which can help prevent or reduce toothache pain. To use guava leaves for toothache, you can chew on a tender guava leaf or make a paste by grinding guava leaves and adding salt to it. You can also boil guava leaves in water and use the solution as a mouthwash[1].

Brushing your teeth with fluoride toothpaste

Brushing your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste is an effective home remedy that can help prevent tooth decay. Children should use a pea-sized amount of toothpaste, and parents should supervise toothbrushing to ensure that children do not swallow toothpaste. Fluoride toothpaste is the only non-prescription toothpaste additive proven to prevent dental caries. Studies have shown that high-fluoride toothpaste (≥ 2500 ppm) is superior to low-fluoride toothpaste in reducing caries. However, the choice of fluoride concentration for children should also consider the risk of fluorosis[2]. Next read: 12 Diseases You Can Catch Through Sharing Toothbrush

Saltwater rinse

A saltwater rinse is a simple and cost-effective home remedy that can benefit oral health in several ways. Saltwater rinses can help reduce bacteria and plaque, prevent infection following a dental procedure, and promote tissue regeneration. Saltwater rinses can also help dislodge food particles trapped between teeth, preventing gum irritation and inflammation.

To make a saltwater rinse, mix 1 teaspoon of salt with 8 ounces of warm water and gargle the solution around the mouth, teeth, and gums for 15 to 20 seconds before spitting it out. Saltwater rinses should not replace daily oral hygiene routines, such as brushing twice a day and interdental cleaning. It is important to note that if your mouth is tender and the saltwater rinse stings, you should decrease the salt to a 1/2 teaspoon for the first 1 to 2 days[3].

Oil pulling

Oil pulling is an ancient Ayurvedic practice that involves swishing oil in the mouth to remove bacteria and improve oral health. It has been used for centuries for the treatment and prevention of various oral and systemic health issues. Some of the benefits of oil pulling include:

  • Reducing bacteria: Oil pulling can help reduce the number of bacteria in the mouth, promoting better gum health and preventing issues like bad breath and cavities.
  • Improving gum health: Oil pulling may help improve gum health by reducing inflammation and plaque buildup.
  • Alleviating toothaches: Some people find relief from toothaches through oil pulling, as it can help reduce bacteria and promote oral health.
  • Whitening teeth: While there is no high-quality evidence to support the claim that oil pulling whitens teeth, some people report improvements in their dental health after practicing oil pulling.

To perform oil pulling, follow these steps:

  • Measure one tablespoon (15 milliliters) of oil, such as coconut, sesame, or olive oil.
  • Swish the oil around your mouth for 15-20 minutes, being careful not to swallow any.
  • Spit the oil into the garbage, as spitting it into the sink or toilet can lead to clogging.
  • Brush your teeth immediately afterward, as oil pulling should not replace routine dental visits and traditional home oral care.

Note: while oil pulling can be beneficial for oral health, it is essential to maintain a regular dental care routine and consult with your dentist regularly for proper dental care and treatment[4].

Reduce sugar

Ditch the Sugar Monsters! Reducing sugary foods and sugary drinks is the number one home remedy for a cavity-free grin. Sugar fuels the bacteria that break down tooth enamel, so limit sugary treats, sodas, and juices. Opt for water, unsweetened tea, or milk, and rinse your mouth with water or chew sugar-free gum after indulging[5]. Next read: 7 Signs You’re Eating Too Much Sugar

Have enough vitamin D

Adequate Vitamin D levels contribute to strong bones, and some studies suggest they may also play a role in preventing tooth decay. Get your daily dose from sunlight exposure, fatty fish like salmon, or fortified milk products. Remember, consult your doctor for personalized advice on maintaining optimal Vitamin D levels[6].

Drink Green Tea

Sip Your Way to a Healthy Smile with green Tea! Green tea boasts powerful antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties that can benefit oral health. Regular consumption may help reduce plaque buildup and gum inflammation, contributing to a healthy mouth. But remember, green tea isn’t a magic bullet – maintain good oral hygiene and regular dental checkups for complete protection[7].

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It is important to note that these home remedies should be used alongside dentist-recommended techniques, such as regular dental check-ups and proper oral hygiene. While these remedies can help prevent tooth decay, they cannot replace professional dental care and treatment.

Note: This article is written based on scientific evidence found by the soundhealthandlastingwealth.com team. Sources are duly referenced and hyperlinked to source websites and are clickable for confirmation.