Harmattan tricks and tips: Try these ten people say work effectively 

These Harmattan tricks and tips are battle-tested and ready to help you navigate this season with ease and comfort.

The harmattan, that dry, dusty wind that blows across West Africa from December to February, can be a nuisance. But with a little preparation and some clever tricks, you can survive (and even thrive) during this season. Here are 10 harmattan tips and tricks that work effectively:

1. Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize

Harmattan tricks and tips: Try these ten people say work effectively  – Image Credit: Depositphotos

The harmattan zaps moisture from the air, leaving your skin dry and itchy. Combat this by applying moisturizer liberally and often, especially to your face, hands, and lips. Choose a thick, creamy moisturizer for extra protection.

Also use Petroleum jelly, apply a thin layer around your nostrils to trap dust and prevent irritation. It works wonders on your lips too, keeping them soft and supple. Bonus tip: Dab a tiny amount on your cuticles to prevent hangnails and dryness.

2. Take Care of Your Respiratory System

Harmattan tricks and tips: Try these ten people say work effectively 
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The harmattan can irritate your lungs and airways. If you have asthma or other respiratory problems, be sure to use your inhaler as directed by your doctor. You may also want to avoid spending too much time outdoors, especially when the dust levels are high.

Avoid smoking and secondhand smoke: Smoking can worsen respiratory symptoms during the Harmattan season. Stay away from smoking and avoid areas where people are smoking.

3. Cover Up

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Loose, long-sleeved clothing and pants will help keep dust and sand off your skin. Opt for natural fabrics like cotton or linen, which are more breathable than synthetic materials. Wear a scarf or hat to protect your head and ears from the wind and dust. Also use a face mask or scarf to cover your nose and mouth when outdoors.

4. Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate

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It’s tempting to skip water when the weather is cool, but staying hydrated is crucial during the harmattan. The harmattan’s dry air is a notorious moisture thief, so staying hydrated is your ultimate weapon. Aim for eight glasses of water daily, even if you don’t feel thirsty. Infuse your water with fruits like citrus or cucumber for added flavor and vitamins. Herbal teas are another great way to stay hydrated and boost your well-being.

5. Eat a balanced diet

Harmattan tricks and tips: Try these ten people say work effectively 
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Consume nutritious foods rich in vitamins and minerals to strengthen your immune system and promote overall health during this period. For example, 

  • Vitamin C-rich options like citrus fruits, bell peppers, and leafy greens are your allies in boosting immunity and fighting off infections.
  • Water-rich fruits and vegetables: Watermelon, cucumber, celery, and tomatoes are great choices to combat dehydration and dryness.
  • Soups and stews: Warm, nourishing soups and stews packed with vegetables and lentils provide hydration and essential nutrients.
  • Healthy fats: Include sources like avocado, nuts, seeds, and oily fish in your diet to nourish your skin from within and aid in vitamin absorption.
  • Whole grains and legumes: Brown rice, quinoa, oats, and beans provide sustained energy and essential vitamins and minerals.

6. Keep Good Hygiene 

Harmattan tricks and tips: Try these ten people say work effectively 
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The harmattan brings dust in droves, making cleaning a daily necessity. Vacuum and mop regularly, and don’t forget to wipe down surfaces with a damp cloth. Remember to clean your air filters too – they’ll be working overtime during this season!

7. Use Humidifier

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Combat the dry air indoors by placing bowls of water around your house or using a humidifier. This adds moisture to the air, preventing dry skin, itchy eyes, and those annoying respiratory issues.

8 Take supplements

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Consider taking immune-boosting supplements, such as vitamin C or zinc, after consulting with a healthcare professional. These can help strengthen your immune system during the Harmattan season.

9. Soothe Your Sorrowful Eyes:

Harmattan tricks and tips: Try these ten people say work effectively 
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Dry, itchy eyes are another harmattan woe. Use artificial tears or eye drops to keep your eyes lubricated and comfortable. If you wear contact lenses, consider switching to glasses for a while to give your eyes a break.

10. Seek medical help if needed

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If you experience persistent respiratory symptoms like coughing, sneezing, or difficulty breathing, seek medical assistance promptly. 

By following these practical tips, individuals can effectively deal with the Harmattan season and mitigate its effects on their health and well-being.

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