Caffeine Withdrawal Symptoms and How Long They Last (Duration)

Caffeine Withdrawal Symptoms are real! Many of us rely on that daily cup of coffee (or two, or three…) to jumpstart our mornings and keep us going throughout the day.  Caffeine, a beloved stimulant in coffee, tea, and sodas, can be a double-edged sword. While it perks you up and enhances alertness, dependence can lead to unpleasant withdrawal symptoms when you abruptly stop. Understanding these symptoms is crucial for anyone seeking to cut back or quit caffeine altogether.

Caffeine works by blocking adenosine, a brain chemical that promotes sleepiness. This blockage stimulates the release of dopamine and adrenaline, causing the familiar surge of energy and focus. However, regular caffeine consumption leads to the brain becoming dependent on its presence, making it less responsive to adenosine.

When caffeine intake suddenly stops, adenosine floods the brain, causing rebound effects that manifest as withdrawal symptoms. The severity and duration of these symptoms depend on factors like individual sensitivity, caffeine intake levels, and how quickly caffeine is metabolized by the body.

ALSO READ: How Much Caffeine Is Too Much To Consume?

Caffeine Withdrawal Symptoms


Headaches are the most common and often the most intense symptom of caffeine withdrawal. Research suggests that around 50% of caffeine-dependent individuals experience them (Peet et al., 2004). The pain typically peaks within 24-48 hours after quitting and can range from mild to debilitating, mimicking migraine or tension headaches (Sussman et al., 2012).

The mechanism behind these headaches involves the blood vessels in the brain. Caffeine acts as a vasoconstrictor, narrowing these vessels and reducing blood flow. When you abruptly stop consuming caffeine, the blood vessels rebound and dilate, causing increased pressure and pain (Freitag et al., 2013). Additionally, adenosine, the brain chemical blocked by caffeine, can contribute to headache development by promoting inflammation and sensitizing pain receptors (Bender et al., 2009).

Fatigue and Low Energy

Feeling exhausted and lacking motivation is another common complaint during caffeine withdrawal. A study published in Psychopharmacology concluded that caffeine withdrawal significantly reduces subjective energy levels and alertness, lasting up to 48 hours (Lorrain et al., 2010). This is primarily due to the unblocked adenosine receptors flooding the brain. Adenosine, a natural sleep-promoting chemical, slows down brain activity and promotes fatigue (Porkka-Heiskanen, 2002). Without the counteracting effect of caffeine, these effects become amplified, leaving you feeling drained and sluggish.

Irritability and Mood Swings

Caffeine withdrawal isn’t just about physical discomfort; it can also affect your emotional state. Research in Appetite found that withdrawal significantly increases irritability and negative mood states, peaking within 24 hours and persisting for several days (Smith, 2012). This rollercoaster of emotions can be attributed to the disruption of dopamine and serotonin signaling pathways in the brain. Adenosine interacts with these pathways, affecting how we experience pleasure, reward, and emotional regulation (Caruso, 2014). When the brain is flooded with unopposed adenosine during withdrawal, this delicate balance gets thrown off, leading to emotional volatility and increased frustration.

Difficulty Concentrating and Brain Fog

Feeling mentally foggy and struggling to focus are hallmark symptoms of caffeine withdrawal. A study in Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior found that withdrawal impairs cognitive performance, including attention, memory, and problem-solving, lasting up to 72 hours (Lane et al., 2009). This is a consequence of adenosine’s inhibitory effect on brain activity. Without the stimulating influence of caffeine, the brain slows down, making it harder to concentrate, process information, and perform tasks requiring cognitive effort.

Anxiety and Restlessness

Caffeine can have an anxiolytic effect, calming nerves and promoting relaxation. However, when you stop consuming it, this calming effect disappears, and the underlying anxiety symptoms may resurface or even worsen. A study in Neuropsychopharmacology found that caffeine withdrawal increases anxiety, particularly in individuals with pre-existing anxiety disorders (Krupczyk et al., 2015). This is due to the interplay between adenosine and various neurotransmitters involved in anxiety regulation. Without the counteraction of caffeine, adenosine can exacerbate anxiety symptoms, leading to feelings of restlessness, worry, and nervousness.

Muscle Aches and Stiffness

While less frequent than other symptoms, muscle aches and stiffness can occur in some individuals during caffeine withdrawal. A review in Drug and Alcohol Dependence noted this as a potential symptom, although the exact mechanism remains unclear (Griffiths et al., 2017). Some possible explanations include:

  • Adenosine’s interaction with muscle tension and pain pathways.
  • Increased muscle activity as a compensatory response to fatigue.
  • Changes in blood flow and inflammation associated with withdrawal.

Nausea and Digestive Issues

Caffeine can have a relaxing effect on the digestive system, slowing down motility and reducing stomach discomfort. However, during withdrawal, this effect reverses, potentially leading to nausea, vomiting, and stomach upset. A study in Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics found that some individuals experience these digestive symptoms during withdrawal (Tildesley et al., 2004). This could be due to the increased activity of the digestive system as it adjusts to the absence of caffeine’s calming influence.

Additional Research Backing Up the Symptoms:

  • A study published in the Journal of National Library Of Medicine  found that caffeine withdrawal significantly impairs cognitive performance, attention, and memory.
  • Research in the Nature journal found that caffeine withdrawal disrupts sleep patterns, increasing wakefulness and reducing sleep quality.
  • A study published in Frontiers found a strong correlation between caffeine intake and headache frequency, with abrupt cessation leading to rebound headaches.

Remember, the intensity and duration of these symptoms can vary significantly from person to person. Factors like individual metabolism, caffeine intake, and overall health can play a role. If you’re concerned about caffeine withdrawal, seeking professional guidance from a healthcare provider is always recommended.

ALSO READ: Green tea: People with severe caffeine sensitivity should avoid It : Here’s why

How Long Caffeine Symptoms Last

The curtain on withdrawal typically rises 12-24 hours after your last cup of joe. This is when the flood of unblocked adenosine receptors starts to exert its influence. However, the peak performance of these symptoms often happens later, around 20-51 hours after quitting. Think of it as the crescendo of the withdrawal symphony.

The good news is that the worst of it doesn’t last forever. In general, caffeine withdrawal symptoms tend to fade within 2-9 days. That’s right, a range! Individual factors play a significant role in determining the length of your withdrawal waltz.

Factors Affecting Duration

  • Caffeine Intake: The higher your daily intake, the longer the withdrawal party. Think of it as a bigger dose requiring more time to clean up.
  • Metabolism: Some people metabolize caffeine faster, meaning their withdrawal symptoms might be shorter-lived.
  • Genetics: Your genes can influence how your body handles caffeine and how quickly it adjusts to its absence.
  • Overall Health: Pre-existing health conditions can affect the severity and duration of withdrawal symptoms.
  • Withdrawal Method: Abrupt cessation is like a shock to the system, leading to a more intense but shorter withdrawal period. Gradual tapering, on the other hand, can stretch the process but make it less painful.

Symptom-Specific Durations

Headaches, fatigue, and mood swings typically peak within the first 24-48 hours and can linger for 2-5 days. Cognitive issues like brain fog and difficulty concentrating may persist for up to 72 hours. Anxiety and restlessness can be particularly persistent, lasting up to 9 days in some cases. Muscle aches and digestive issues, while less common, may also make an appearance for a few days.

Tips for Managing Duration

  • Tapering your intake: This is the most effective way to minimize the duration and intensity of withdrawal symptoms.
  • Hydration and healthy eating: Proper hydration and a balanced diet can support your body’s recovery process.
  • Exercise and relaxation: Physical activity and stress-management techniques can boost your mood and energy levels.
  • Sleep hygiene: Prioritizing good sleep can help combat fatigue and improve overall well-being.

The duration of caffeine withdrawal may vary, but understanding the factors at play and implementing effective coping strategies can help you navigate this temporary discomfort with grace and knowledge. Remember, it’s a journey, not a destination, and the reward of a caffeine-free life awaits at the end.

If in the process you’re struggling with the symptoms or have any concerns, don’t hesitate to seek professional guidance from a healthcare provider.


Caffeine withdrawal, while unpleasant, is a temporary side effect of abruptly stopping caffeine consumption. Understanding the underlying science and implementing practical strategies can help navigate the process and emerge feeling refreshed and revitalized. Remember, moderation is key when it comes to caffeine, and gradual reduction is the safest and most comfortable way to break the dependence.

DON’T MISS: How Caffeine Impacts Your Skin, According to a Dermatologist and a Dietitian

Additional Resources

  • National Institute on Drug Abuse:
  • Mayo Clinic:
  • Harvard Health Publishing:

Note: This article is written based on scientific evidence found by the team. Sources are duly referenced and hyperlinked to source websites and are clickable for confirmation.