Poorly insulated homes will spend almost £1,000 more on gas, study says | Energy bills

Poorly insulated homes will spend almost £1,000 more on gas, study says | Energy bills

Poorly insulated homes will have to pay almost £1,000 more than others on their energy bills this winter, according to research by the Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit (ECIU).

The analysis found that homes rated band F on the energy performance certificate (EPC) system are likely to have a gas bill £968 higher than a home rated EPC band C.

Those that are rated band D will have to pay £420 more for their gas compared with the higher rating.

The dual-fuel price cap has been forecast to reach £3,958 this winter, which will plunge many households into fuel poverty.

The government has been criticised for not taking action to get homes insulated. Not only would this help the country reach net zero carbon emissions, it would also have saved households from higher energy costs.

Jess Ralston, senior analyst at ECIU, said: “These stark differences between highly insulated and poorly insulated homes show the real-world impacts insulation could have in time to dent exorbitant bills this winter. The most vulnerable, such as the elderly, tend to live in colder homes and these are the groups that are being placed at risk by inaction from the government on energy efficiency.

“The Energy Company Obligation insulation scheme has worked well and is knocking at least £600 a year off the bills of fuel poor households, but government is non-committal on doing more. We have to consider security of supply too, but more UK gas won’t come online anytime soon, so insulation is our best bet to shield us from the whims of [Vladimir] Putin and lower bills during this cost of living crisis and each year after.”

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Industry leaders have called on the government to act, with the chief executive of the Building Research Establishmenton Wednesday calling for Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak to put out insulation plans.

Gillian Charlesworth said: “Setting out a clear, long-term strategy to retrofit the UK’s buildings will not only ensure we continue to deliver the net zero strategy, but it will also bolster our energy security by lowering demand for natural gas.”