Conservative MP accused of insulting francophones by asking minister to speak English

A Conservative member of Parliament from Alberta was accused of undermining bilingualism and insulting francophone Canadians after she asked a cabinet minister from Quebec to speak in English during an appearance before a parliamentary committee.

“For the Conservatives to put in question official bilingualism is absolutely reprehensible,” NDP MP Peter Julian told the committee.

“I just can’t believe how radical and extreme this party has become since the member from Carleton [Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre] took over.”

The incident unfolded during a meeting of the House of Commons heritage committee Thursday morning. Rachel Thomas, the Conservative MP for Lethbridge, asked Heritage Minister Pascale St-Onge, a francophone who represents the Quebec riding of Brome—Missisquoi, for an English answer to her questions.

“Minister, I noticed that you answered my questions in French, but other questions you answered in English if they’re from your Liberal colleagues. I realize it’s completely your choice, we’re a bilingual country, but if at all possible I’d love to have an English answer,” Thomas said.

That request kicked off a flurry of protests from NDP, Bloc and Liberal MPs on the committee, who accused Thomas of insulting francophones and Quebeckers.

WATCH: Alberta MP accused of insulting francophones during committee  

Alberta MP accused of insulting francophones during committee

Featured VideoAlberta MP Rachael Thomas came under fire when she asked Heritage Minister Pascale St-Onge to answer questions in English during a committee hearing.

Bloc MP Martin Champoux said House of Commons committees have “highly efficient” interpreters.

“The minister has the full right to answer in whichever language she chooses. This is an insult to Quebeckers and to francophones,” he said.

Liberal MP Michael Coteau, who represents the Ontario riding of Don Valley-East, said Thomas’s request “goes against everything this country has been built on.”

“That should never happen at committee, it should never happen in the House of Commons and [it] is something that goes against our very values as Canadians,” he said.

In response, Thomas said she was not provided the “opportunity” to receive an English answer and asked again if St-Onge “would be willing to answer in English.”

Julian said that as an anglophone who learned French in school, he knows there are times when the vocabulary of one language is better than another because it allows one to “speak more easily.”

“I certainly hope that this MP will start respecting official languages and respecting this committee,” he said. 

Committee chair and Liberal MP Hedy Fry ruled that the minister is free to speak in the language of her choice.

“If the minister chooses French, fine. If the minister chooses English, fine. We cannot make her answer in whatever,” Fry said.