Indigenous ABC TV reporter Isabella Higgins issues warning that Aboriginal communities may treat non-Indigenous Australians differently after Voice vote: ‘Black anger’

An Indigenous ABC reporter says Aboriginal people may treat the rest of Australia differently and no longer hold in their ‘black anger’ after the failed Voice to Parliament referendum.

Isabella Higgins made the comments during an interview on the Insiders on Sunday – the day after Australia voted No to enshrining an Aboriginal Voice into the constitution.

Ms Higgins, the public broadcaster’s Indigenous Affairs reporter, said Aboriginal leaders who had spearheaded the Voice had been ‘burned’ by the experience. 

‘When we’re talking about reconciliation we use kind language, we’re generous, we extend the hand of friendship, we invite people to share in our culture.’

‘So I think this failing, this being rejected so categorically by all Australians it will change the way indigenous Australians want to interact with the rest of the country.

‘It will change whether kindness is the best approach.’


The Voice to Parliament referendum seeking to enshrine an Indigenous body to inform government into the Constitution was resoundingly defeated in every state on Saturday.

The ACT was the only state or territory with a majority Yes vote.

More to come 

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