Four women, four disturbing claims: The shocking dossier of allegations against comedian Russell Brand

‘Alice’: He sent a car to get me from school…the driver begged me not to go into his house 

Perhaps the most shocking allegations contained in the dossier of evidence against Russell Brand is his sexual relationship with an anonymous 16-year-old schoolgirl known as Alice.

The woman says the comic, who was 30 at the time, referred to her as ‘the child’ and sent cars to her secondary school to collect her from lessons so the pair could meet for sex at his home.

Despite his initial charm, she says he became increasingly controlling, and encouraged her to lie to her parents and friends about visiting him, even asking her to save his name in her phone as ‘Carly’ to avoid scrutiny.

But she alleges he also became emotionally and sexually abusive, and sexually assaulted her towards the end of their three-month relationship. ‘It was isolating,’ Alice told the investigation. ‘Russell engaged in the behaviours of a groomer, looking back, but I didn’t even know what that was then, or what that looked like.’

When Alice, who is now in her 30s, met Brand, in 2006, she was recovering from an eating disorder and had never had a boyfriend.

A woman, now in her 30s, alleged the comedian referred to her as ‘the child’ and sent cars to her secondary school to collect her from lessons, when she was 16, so the pair could meet for sex at his home

When Alice, who is now in her 30s, met Brand, in 2006, she was recovering from an eating disorder and had never had a boyfriend

When Alice, who is now in her 30s, met Brand, in 2006, she was recovering from an eating disorder and had never had a boyfriend

She had been on a shopping trip when Brand approached her in London’s Leicester Square. At the time, Brand was well known as a BBC radio presenter and host of Channel 4’s Big Brother’s Big Mouth. He asked her out for dinner and looked through her purchases, she recalled, pulling out a dress and telling her: ‘You’re going to wear this on our date this week.’

As an impressionable teenager in thrall to Brand’s fame Alice was flattered. Her mother, however, made Alice text Brand to tell him her age, assuming that would put him off. It did not. On their date, Alice says Brand immediately asked her to confirm she was definitely 16, saying: ‘I don’t give a f*** if you’re 12… I need to know where I stand legally.’

At one point he sent a taxi to collect her from school and Alice recalls the driver telling her he had a daughter the same age and when they pulled up at Brand’s house, he said: ‘Please, I’m asking you not to go in there, you could be my little girl.’

In those early days he was ‘very charming and very attentive’, making her feel ‘giddy and special’. Brand also found it arousing, she claims, that she was still a virgin. He called her ‘my little dolly’, stroked her hair and asked her to read passages of the novel Lolita about a professor sexually obsessed with pre-pubescent girls.

His behaviour became increasingly manipulative, she says, demanding she stay in the bath while he went out for an hour. She also claims he removed a condom during sex without her knowledge.

On their date, Alice says Brand immediately asked her to confirm she was definitely 16, saying: ‘I don’t give a f*** if you’re 12... I need to know where I stand legally'

On their date, Alice says Brand immediately asked her to confirm she was definitely 16, saying: ‘I don’t give a f*** if you’re 12… I need to know where I stand legally’

When her mother drove her to Brand’s house for his 31st birthday, Alice says he ‘leant down and kissed my mother on the mouth’, – behaviour which left her mother ‘very, very upset’.

But her most serious allegation against the comic involves sexual assault. She describes how, one day in bed, he forced himself on her to the point she was unable to breathe. ‘I was pushing him away and he wasn’t backing off at all,’ she said. ‘I ended up having to punch him really hard in the stomach to get him off. I was crying and he said, “Oh, I only wanted to see your mascara run anyway.’’ ‘

Afterwards, as she recovered, she further claims that he climbed on top of her, held her mouth open and drooled into it, leaving her ‘gagging and crying’.

Soon afterwards, their relationship ended after Alice found another woman in his bed. It was ‘humiliating’ and left her ‘angry’.

Seventeen years on, Alice believes that although she was over the legal age of consent, ‘it shouldn’t be legal for a 16-year-old to have a relationship with a man in their 30s. There should be something in place to protect children.’

‘Nadia’ : Brand pushed me against the wall… and raped me

Businesswoman ‘Nadia’ claimed Brand raped her in his Los Angeles home on July 1, 2012.

The pair met at a party the previous month and had exchanged numbers – which led to consensual sex at Brand’s Hollywood Hills home. During that first sexual encounter, Nadia said Brand’s ‘glazed over’ look unsettled her.

She added: ‘He does this thing when he glazes over. I don’t know what’s going on in his head. It was fine, but it was a weird first-time experience with someone when you’re having sex with them.’

In the early hours of July 1, Brand pleaded with Nadia to come to his house. When she arrived, the front door was unlocked and she let herself in. She said: ‘He comes running out of the bedroom, naked. And I’m kind of taken aback. I’ve got a bag on my shoulder, a little dress and a coat on top.’

Nadia was horrified when Brand asked her to join him and a ‘friend’, who was in his bedroom, for a threesome. When she refused, she claims he pushed her against a wall and raped her without using a condom.

Businesswoman ‘Nadia’ claimed Brand raped her in his Los Angeles home on July 1, 2012 after the pair met at a party the previous month and had exchanged numbers

Businesswoman ‘Nadia’ claimed Brand raped her in his Los Angeles home on July 1, 2012 after the pair met at a party the previous month and had exchanged numbers

Nadia said: ‘I tried to get away from him and I slipped away from the wall.

‘And then I went to another wall that had a painting on it. A huge painting. And my bag got actually stuck underneath that, and it’s still on my arm.

‘And at this point he’s grabbing at my underwear, pulling it to the side. He’s a lot taller than me. And he has that glazed look in his eye again. And I can’t move. And I told him, “get off, get off”.

Nadia said Brand initially blocked the door to stop her leaving but finally stood aside and she ran to her car where she sat in a daze.

Brand sent her a text message at 3.29am which said: ‘I’m sorry. That was crazy and selfish. I hope you can forgive me, I know that you’re a lovely person. X’

She ignored a call from him but texted him the following morning to say he had ‘scared the s***’ out of her, adding; “When a girl say(s) NO it means no.’ Brand replied he was ‘very sorry’ and ‘embarrassed’ by his behaviour.

Nadia was horrified when Brand allegedly asked her to join him and a ‘friend’, who was in his bedroom, for a threesome - when she refused, she claims he pushed her against a wall and raped her without using a condom

Nadia was horrified when Brand allegedly asked her to join him and a ‘friend’, who was in his bedroom, for a threesome – when she refused, she claims he pushed her against a wall and raped her without using a condom

Nadia was taken by a friend to the rape treatment centre at a hospital, where nurses collected evidence, including her underwear. Police were alerted, but Nadia refused to press charges because she feared people would not believe her and her name would be ‘dragged through the dirt’.

After months of therapy, she wrote to Brand saying: ‘Do you know what you put me through? My body through? You scared the s*** out of me on July 1. I thought in any situation I would be strong enough to fight someone off. You completely broke me down.’

Nadia provided the Dispatches team with medical records which reportedly backed up her claims.

Jordan: He forced his hand into my underwear – without a word 

It was Brand’s ex-girlfriend, Jordan Martin, who first spoke of the comedian’s ‘controlling and manipulative’ behaviour in an interview to The Mail on Sunday eight years ago.

Former model Ms Martin, who had a six-month relationship with Brand from February 2007, also self-published a book in which she described a catalogue of physical and emotional abuse at the hands of the star.

She told this newspaper that his ‘cruel behaviour’ left her feeling worthless and confused.

In her book, in which she changes the identity of Brand and herself to ‘Randall Grand’ and ‘Dina’ she details an alleged sexual assault which took place at The Lowry Hotel in Manchester.

Ms Martin claimed Brand became angry when he discovered she had spoken to an ex-boyfriend. Brand is said to have snatched her phone and then assaulted her from behind in the bathroom, sliding his hand into her underwear. Ms Martin wrote that she was ‘not ready for this intrusion’ and did not find it ‘sensual or pleasant’.

In her book, in which she changes the identity of Brand and herself to ‘Randall Grand’ and ‘Dina’ Ms Martin details an alleged sexual assault which took place at The Lowry Hotel in Manchester

In her book, in which she changes the identity of Brand and herself to ‘Randall Grand’ and ‘Dina’ Ms Martin details an alleged sexual assault which took place at The Lowry Hotel in Manchester

It was Brand’s ex-girlfriend, Jordan Martin, who first spoke of the comedian’s ‘controlling and manipulative’ behaviour in an interview to The Mail on Sunday eight years ago (Pictured: Russell and Jordan on their 2007 Hawaii trip)

It was Brand’s ex-girlfriend, Jordan Martin, who first spoke of the comedian’s ‘controlling and manipulative’ behaviour in an interview to The Mail on Sunday eight years ago (Pictured: Russell and Jordan on their 2007 Hawaii trip)

In one incident, Jordan described how Brand allegedly forced her to brush her teeth so hard her gums bled so she would taste ‘anonymous’ to him

In one incident, Jordan described how Brand allegedly forced her to brush her teeth so hard her gums bled so she would taste ‘anonymous’ to him

The comedian's live gig in front a 2,000 strong audience went ahead on Saturday night at the Troubadour Wembley Park in London

The comedian’s live gig in front a 2,000 strong audience went ahead on Saturday night at the Troubadour Wembley Park in London

Brand said he had received two 'extremely disturbing letters' from a 'mainstream media TV company' and a newspaper. Channel 4 and The Times have since published allegations accusing Brand of rape and sexual assault

Brand said he had received two ‘extremely disturbing letters’ from a ‘mainstream media TV company’ and a newspaper. Channel 4 and The Times have since published allegations accusing Brand of rape and sexual assault 

Brand is then said to have left the room, leaving her ‘feeling confused, uncomfortable and a little stunned’.

She also writes in the book – the contents of which have never been challenged by Brand – that he ‘pushes boundaries, controlling other people to fulfil personal perversions for the sake of dominance’.

In one incident, she described how he forced her to brush her teeth so hard her gums bled so she would taste ‘anonymous’ to him.

She was initially attracted to Brand’s ‘kooky humour’, but told this newspaper the comic became paranoid and possessive and would accuse her of meeting with her ex-husband.

Yet he also thought nothing of boasting to her about having sex with strangers while they were together.

In one uncomfortable incident, she told how Brand persuaded her to stay in his flat while he entertained two lesbian fans in his bedroom. She said: ‘He wanted me to get involved, to make it OK for him, to validate it. But I decided to make a stand. I was physically, emotionally and mentally exhausted. I couldn’t go along with this.’

She claimed that on another occasion Brand accused her of being sexually attracted to her own brother and that he cruelly taunted her over her desire to have children. She said: ‘There were times when I felt bullied and abused, not in a physical or sexual way, but mentally. I was vulnerable… His manipulative side was so powerful it was easier to just submit.’

Ms Martin declined to be interviewed for the Sunday Times and Dispatches investigation, but has confirmed she stands by the account in her book.

‘Phoebe’: I was screaming stop. Please don’t do this, I’m your friend  

After meeting Brand at a meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous in 2013, ‘Phoebe’ had a brief, consensual sexual relationship with the star and they started working on a project together.

She claims she was alone in Brand’s Hollywood home when she became ‘trapped’ in a bedroom with the comic who started chasing her around the room. 

Phoebe said a naked Brand ‘grabbed me and got me on the bed’ and tried to forcibly remove her clothes and kiss her.

She, too, describes Brand’s demeanour changing during the alleged sex attack. Phoebe said: ‘I saw something come over his eyes, I swear to God, like, black. 

‘His eyes had no more colour, they were black, like the devil. Like a different person literally entered his body.

'Phoebe' claimed a naked Brand ‘grabbed me and got me on the bed’ and tried to forcibly remove her clothes and kiss her

‘Phoebe’ claimed a naked Brand ‘grabbed me and got me on the bed’ and tried to forcibly remove her clothes and kiss her

‘I was screaming, and I was like, “What are you doing, stop, please, you’re my friend, I love you, please don’t do this, I don’t want to do this.” I think he had his hands down my trousers but I was fighting so hard and I was screaming so hard, hoping that I could get through somehow.’

When the alleged assault ended she claims Brand became ‘super angry’ and shouted ‘f*** you’ and told her she was fired. Phoebe fled his house barefoot, passing a group of people who were arriving at Brand’s home for a business meeting.

When the alleged assault ended she claims Brand became ‘super angry’ and shouted ‘f*** you’ and told her she was fired

When the alleged assault ended she claims Brand became ‘super angry’ and shouted ‘f*** you’ and told her she was fired

It comes as Brand performs in front of thousands in Wembley at a sold out gig on Saturday night

It comes as Brand performs in front of thousands in Wembley at a sold out gig on Saturday night

She claimed that years later she bumped into a man who had been in that group who apologised for not helping her. She said: ‘He pulled me aside and he said to me, “I have never forgiven myself for not running in that house to save you. I heard you screaming. And I didn’t know what to do. And we were all so scared of him and I didn’t do anything. And I am sorry.” ’

Phoebe continued working with Brand but claims when he learned she had told friends about the attack he ‘cornered’ her and threatened her with legal action.

She said she did not report the incident to police because she feared her career would be ruined by it.

Five of her friends told Dispatches they were aware of her claims, with three saying she told them about the alleged assault soon after it happened in early 2013. Brand left the US a short time later and returned to the UK.

Russell Brand’s comments in full:  

Hello there you awakening wonders. Now this is not the usual type of video we make on this channel where we critique, attack and undermine the news in all its corruption because in this story I am the news.

I have received two extremely disturbing letters – or a letter and an email – one from a mainstream media TV company, one from a newspaper listing a litany of extremely egregious and aggressive attacks, as well as some pretty stupid stuff, like my community festival should be stopped and I shouldn’t be able to attack mainstream media narratives on this channel.

But amidst this litany of astonishing rather baroque attacks are some very serious allegations that I absolutely refute. These allegations pertain to a time when I was in the mainstream, when I was in the newspapers all the time, when I was in the movies, and as I’ve written about extensively in my books I was very, very promiscuous.

During that time of promiscuity the relationships I had were absolutely always consensual. I was always transparent about that then, almost too transparent, and I am being transparent about it now as well.

And to see that transparency metastasized into something criminal that I absolutely deny makes me question is there another agenda at play. 

Particularly when we have seen coordinated media attacks before, like Joe Rogan where he dared to take a medicine the mainstream media didn’t approve of and we saw a spate of headlines of media outlets around the world using the same language.

I am aware that you guys in the comments have been for a while saying “watch out Russell, they’re coming for you,” “you are getting too close to the truth”, “Russell Brand did not kill himself”.’

I know a year ago there was a spate of articles: Russell Brand is a conspiracy theorists; Russell Brand is right wing.

I am aware of newspapers making phone calls, sending letters to people I know. For ages and ages, it’s been clear to me or at least feels to be there’s a serious and consorted agenda to control these kinds of spaces and these kind of voices.

I need my voice along with your voice. I don’t mind them using my books and my stand up to talk about my promiscuous sexual conduct in the past. What I seriously refute are these very, very serious, criminal allegations.

Also its worth mentioning that there are witnesses whose evidence directly contradicts the narratives that these two mainstream media outlets are trying to construct, apparently in what seems to be to me a coordinated attack.

Now, I don’t want to get into this any further because of the serious nature of the allegations but I feel like I’m being attacked and plainly they are working very closely together.

We are obviously going to look into this matter because it is very, very serious. 

In the meantime, I want you to stay close, stay awake but more importantly than any of that, if you can stay free. 

Source: | This article originally belongs to