EPHRAIM HARDCASTLE: Claims that Meghan would have to curtsy to Kate are old hat

Princess Diana biographer Andrew Morton commits a faux pas, telling Sky News that Meghan may not be keen on visiting her estranged in-laws as she would have to curtsy to Kate, now Princess of Wales. The old rules of who should bow/curtsy to whom are old hat. The late Queen abandoned much of the protocol in homage to both changing times and the arrival of a greater number of commoners into the family (among them Kate, Sophie, Tim Laurence, Mike Tindall, Jack Brooksbank and Camilla herself). The only requirement now is for the King himself to be acknowledged and Meghan might feel herself even exempt from that. It was noticeable that amid the sea of dips and bows as the King left his coronation, Harry didn’t join in. Perhaps his view was obscured by Aunt Anne’s plume hat.

Princess Diana biographer Andrew Morton commits a faux pas, telling Sky News that Meghan may not be keen on visiting her estranged in-laws as she would have to curtsy to Kate, now Princess of Wales

Princess Diana biographer Andrew Morton commits a faux pas, telling Sky News that Meghan may not be keen on visiting her estranged in-laws as she would have to curtsy to Kate, now Princess of Wales

In his forthcoming play The Interview, about Princess Diana’s Panorama encounter with Martin Bashir, Jonathan Maitland is set to defy the BBC ban and William’s plea that it should never be aired again by using untransmitted footage. So who will play Bashir? ‘He even suggested who might play him,’ says Maitland. ‘Idris Elba was one idea and, er, Martin Bashir – that is, him playing himself – another.’

Convinced that Louis Theroux had stolen her original TV documentary format, Ruby Wax, pictured, was suspicious when she agreed to be interviewed by him. She even brought a pair of healers along for support. ‘I had two people putting their hands on me to calm me down so I wouldn’t have a panic attack,’ she says. It clearly worked. ‘He ended up like my best friend. We really get on.’

Jonathan Aitken, jailed for perjury after Mohamed Al Fayed blew the whistle on his unpaid Paris Ritz bill, now regrets his infamous Sword of Truth claim during his libel action. ‘I’m always ashamed when I watch the clip you just played,’ he tells Sky News. ‘I feel very sorry and repentant about it.’ Will he be paying his respects to the late Al Fayad? Asked before he knew of Mohamed’s interment if he would be paying his respects, Aitken said: ‘I might go to his funeral just to make absolutely sure that he is dead,’ he adds sweetly.

Jonathan Aitken now regrets his infamous Sword of Truth claim during his libel action

Jonathan Aitken now regrets his infamous Sword of Truth claim during his libel action

Jonathan Aitken now regrets his infamous Sword of Truth claim during his libel action

Offering his Hampstead house for sale at £17million, Boy George insists potential purchasers recite the Buddhist chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo before they enter. They also have to wipe surfaces clean once they have touched them and remain silent in George’s yoga room. How is it going so far, George? ‘The bad news is I did not sell the house,’ he wails. ‘Do they really wanna hurt me? Get out!’

Like former MPs Neil Hamilton and Tim Smith, Mr Hardcastle did accept a gift from the late Al Fayad over lunch at Harrods. But it was a mere trifle compared with the 1994 Cash for Questions scandal: a clip-on Turnbull & Asser tie similar to the one he was wearing. Mo stood up and dramatically whipped his tie off, saying: ‘You wear this tie – you never get strangled!’

Source: | This article originally belongs to Dailymail.co.uk