New endemic Agapetes species reported from Yunnan, China

New endemic Agapetes species reported from Yunnan, China
Agapetes lihengiana. Credit: Yang Bin

Agapetes comprises about 100 species, most of which are found in the subtropical monsoon region of Asia. In China, 59 species and two varieties are recognized.

During a floristic exploration of Yingjiang County, Yunnan Province from 2021 to 2023, researchers from the Xisuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden (XTBG) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) came across an interesting species of Agapetes. After a detailed study of the morphological characters of the material and similar species, the researchers confirmed that the plant was a new species to science.

The new species was named Agapetes lihengiana in honor of Prof. Li Heng of the Kunming Institute of Botany of CAS, who has made great contributions to our knowledge of the flora of the Gaoligong Mountains in China. The findings are published in the journal Taiwania.

Agapetes lihengiana is an epiphytic evergreen shrub. It is morphologically similar to A. epacridea and A. trianguli, but can be clearly distinguished from the former by its leaf blade with an acute or apiculate apex, prominent secondary veins, and shorter pedicel; and from the latter by its white corolla with five vertical pink stripes, shorter pedicel, and shorter anther.

New endemic Agapetes species reported from Yunnan, China
Agapetes lihengiana. Credit: Yang Bin

Agapetes lihengiana is known only from Yingjiang County of West Yunnan, Southwest China. It is epiphytic on the trees of subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forests at an altitude of 2,100–2,200 m.

“During our survey, only two populations of Agapetes lihengiana were found. One site in Sudian Township has Lanxangia tsaoko planted under the forest, and this forest is on the edge of the Yunnan Tongbiguan Provincial Nature Reserve. The habitat of this species is threatened by logging in the area. Therefore, we assessed the conservation status of this species as vulnerable according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature guidelines,” said Tan Yunhong of XTBG.

More information:
Tan Yunhong et al, Agapetes lihengiana (Ericaceae), a new species from Yunnan, China. Taiwania. DOI: 10.6165/tai.2023.68.355.

Provided by
Chinese Academy of Sciences

New endemic Agapetes species reported from Yunnan, China (2023, September 4)
retrieved 4 September 2023

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