Jee: IIT Bombay has new guidelines for students: Here’s the notice

IIT Bombay has new guidelines for students: Here's the notice

The Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IIT-B) has issued a new set of guidelines for its students. The guidelines are for both new and existing students. Apart from circulating the guidelines titled — ‘Anti-discrimination guidelines at IIT Bombay’ — among students, authorities have also pasted them at different locations on the institute’s Powai campus. IIT B also talks of “severe punishment” in case of violation of the guidelines.

Here are the guidelines:

Anti-discrimination guidelines at IIT Bombay
lIT Bombay aims to have high inclusivity within the campus and wants students to bond with each other irrespective of factors such as caste, religion, or socio-economic status.

IT Bombay implements, and is proud to implement, the reservation-policy of the Constitution in letter and in spirit. The institute strives to provide equal opportuníties to all the admitted students. The institute also strives to ensure that students do not face any discrimination: whether from faculty members, staff members or fellow students.

• IIT Bombay considers it inappropriate to ask a fellow student what birth/admission category they belong to asking this could lead to conscious or subconscious bias.

• It is equally inappropriate for students to ask other students about their JEE
(Advanced) ranks/GATE-scores, or any other information that may reveal the caste or other related aspects. While the student asking the question may feel it is innocent, and it may be driven purely by curiosity, asking the question can often have an adverse impact on the other student. Asking could appear like an attempt to find the caste, and may set the stage for discrimination.

• In order to help the institute achieve an inclusive atmosphere, it is strongly urged that the introduction, interaction, bonding of friends happens through commonalities like
department, sports, music, movies, school/college/village/city/town, hobbies, etc.

• It is prohibited to exchange/forward any messages, including jokes, that are abusive, hateful, casteist, sexist, exhibit bigotry e,g, based on religion or sexual orientation, can be construed as harassment or bullying.
This also includes messages on online forums such as Whatsapp. Facebook, etc.,
Email, as well as in-person,
• Violations can lead to severe punishment.
• Politeness and sensitivity towards others’ feelings is expected from all.
We look forward to all Incoming students having a pleasant and productive stay at IIT Bombay Campus.


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