Author mom ‘bought fentanyl pills from her housekeeper’ one month before her husband was poisoned

A Mormon mother from Utah accused of killing her husband by lacing his Moscow Mule bought 15 to 30 fentanyl pills from her housekeeper a month before his death,  court documents reveal.

Kouri Richins, 33, allegedly poisoned her husband Eric with a fentanyl-laced vodka cocktail in March 2022 before publishing a picture book to help children cope with losing a loved one.

Her housekeeper Carmen Marie Lauber, 51, who has prior drug charges, has now been named by authorities as the person suspected to have sold her the lethal dose used for the poisoning, reported.

Lauber is yet to be arrested or charged with crimes connected to the death of of 39-year-old Eric Richins, but due to appear in court on August 16, ahead of Kouri Richins’ next appearance on September 1.

Kouri Richins (pictured), 33, allegedly poisoned her husband Eric with a fentanyl-laced vodka cocktail in March 2022

Kouri Richins (pictured), 33, allegedly poisoned her husband Eric with a fentanyl-laced vodka cocktail in March 2022

The housekeeper Carmen Marie Lauber, 51, is yet to be arrested or charged with crimes connected to the death of of 39-year-old Eric Richins (pictured right with his wife Kouri)

The housekeeper Carmen Marie Lauber, 51, is yet to be arrested or charged with crimes connected to the death of of 39-year-old Eric Richins (pictured right with his wife Kouri)

The housekeeper Carmen Marie Lauber, 51, is yet to be arrested or charged with crimes connected to the death of of 39-year-old Eric Richins (pictured right with his wife Kouri)

Court documents show the charges brought against Richins and how she paid $1800 for the pills allegedly used to kill her husband. The initials C.L. are now understood to be housekeeper Carmen Marie Lauber

Court documents show the charges brought against Richins and how she paid $1800 for the pills allegedly used to kill her husband. The initials C.L. are now understood to be housekeeper Carmen Marie Lauber

Court documents show the charges brought against Richins and how she paid $1800 for the pills allegedly used to kill her husband. The initials C.L. are now understood to be housekeeper Carmen Marie Lauber

Supporting the allegations that drug deals were facilitated by Lauber are a number of text messages exchanged between them from March 1 to March 15. 

According to Kouri Richins’ arrest warrant, she told Lauber that she wanted ‘some of the Michael Jackson stuff’ for an investor involved in her real estate dealings.

Court documents identify Lauber as a ‘housekeeper often used by Kouri for her residential real estate business’.

Lauber was also previously named in a civil suit brought by the family of Eric Richins against his wife, but identified by her initials only.

‘Upon information and belief, in early February 2022, Kouri asked an acquaintance known as ‘C.L.’ to procure some fentanyl for her,’ the lawsuit states.

Lauber then made contact with ‘a drug dealer who routinely deals fentanyl,’ according to the lawsuit,

She then obtained fentanyl on February 11 – less than a month before Eric Richins was found dead on March 4.

‘Either that same day or the next day, C.L. delivered those pills to Kouri by hand in the driveway of C.L.’s home,’ the lawsuit alleges.

‘Lauber admitted to supplying Kouri Richins with 15-30 fentanyl pills on two separate occasions, approximately one month before Eric’s death,’ read a search warrant affadvit seen by the outlet.

‘She stated Kouri paid her approximately $900 each time she supplied the pills. She provided details of the solicitation of the drugs, the pickup and drop-off locations, and other pertinent details that have been corroborated with digital forensic evidence,’ it read.

Kouri Richins' illustrated children's book about an angelic father watching over his sons, Are You With Me? was on sale for $14.99

Kouri Richins' illustrated children's book about an angelic father watching over his sons, Are You With Me? was on sale for $14.99

Kouri Richins’ illustrated children’s book about an angelic father watching over his sons, Are You With Me? was on sale for $14.99

Eric's family told investigators shortly after he died they suspected Richins had killed the father-of-three. Pictured: Kouri and Eric Richins with their three children

Eric's family told investigators shortly after he died they suspected Richins had killed the father-of-three. Pictured: Kouri and Eric Richins with their three children

Eric’s family told investigators shortly after he died they suspected Richins had killed the father-of-three. Pictured: Kouri and Eric Richins with their three children

Prosecutors have alleged Kouri Richins was motivated to kill her husband because she thought she would inherit their multi-million-dollar home and a share of his co-owned masonry business, worth around $4million.

But Eric had changed his will and power of attorney to give his sister Katie, 38, full control. According to a police warrant, this was because he had been worried his wife might ‘kill him for money’ after several failed attempts on his life. 

The millionaire businessman was found dead on March 4 last year aged 39 at the foot of his bed in the couple’s home in the town of Kamas, near Park City, where they parented three children. 

Richins has been held in Summit County Jail since she was charged on May 8 this year with criminal homicide, aggravated murder and possession of a controlled substance.

Prosecutors have said that in the months before, Richins tried to make herself the sole beneficiary of her husband’s life insurance policy – though Eric had given his sister full control by this point. 

In May, the exclusively revealed that Kouri launched a legal dispute against his family within weeks of his death in a bid to secure an estate valued in excess of $3.6 million. 

The Kamas, Utah, home where police say Kouri Richins killed her husband Eric in March 2022 with a fentanyl-laced Moscow Mule cocktail

The Kamas, Utah, home where police say Kouri Richins killed her husband Eric in March 2022 with a fentanyl-laced Moscow Mule cocktail

The Kamas, Utah, home where police say Kouri Richins killed her husband Eric in March 2022 with a fentanyl-laced Moscow Mule cocktail

Kouri Richins, pictured, is said to have bought four life insurance policies on her husband totaling $2 million in the years prior to his death

Kouri Richins, pictured, is said to have bought four life insurance policies on her husband totaling $2 million in the years prior to his death

Eric and Kouri Richins

Eric and Kouri Richins

Kouri is said to have bought four life insurance policies on her husband totaling $2 million in the years prior to his death

She claimed that Eric had tried to ‘defraud’ her by secretly transferring the family home, all personal property and interest in the masonry business he ran with friend and partner, Cody Wright, into a Trust owned by his sister in November 2020.

Richins also took out multiple life insurance policies on him worth close to $2 million, and attempted to ‘drill into his safe’ just 48 hours after he died, his family has said. 

She allegedly attempted to poison him on several other occasions – including on Valentine’s Day 2022 when Eric broke out in hives after consuming a sandwich which Richins had placed on the seat of his truck alongside a love note.

In the days before Eric died, the couple had been arguing about Richins’ plans to purchase and flip a $2 million home in the days before, according to court documents.

On March 3 – the day before the alleged murder – Kouri signed the closing papers on the 10-acre property and invited her friends over for a party at her house where she was drinking and celebrating, affidavits for search warrants show. 

In the months after her husband’s death Kouri wrote a children’s book, ‘Are You With Me?’

She claimed the work was inspired by Richins’ death and her own experience of failing to find any reading materials aimed at helping her sons cope with their loss.

Source: | This article originally belongs to