How to download your data

Google Hangouts shutdown: How to download your data

Google recently announced that it will shut down its classic Hangouts app for free users in November this year. The existing users will be migrated to the Google Chat app. Google also said that the free, personal accounts that are still using the old Hangouts on
Android and iOS, will soon start seeing an upgrade screen that will prompt them to switch to Chat in the Gmail app or the mobile Chat clients on the platforms. In case you are wondering what will happen to your data, then you are protected. The company is allowing users to download their Hangouts data before the app shuts down.So, if you also want to download and save your Classic Hangouts data then follow these simple steps


Firstly, go to Google Takeout and sign in using your Google Account that you use in Hangouts.


Now from the list of available applications, select Hangouts and deselect the other apps.


After this click on Next Step


In the Delivery method, choose how often you want to download the backup. Since Hangouts is being upgraded to Google Chat soon, Google recommends a one-time download.


Now choose the file type.


After this click on Export.


A message tells you that Google is creating a copy of files from Hangouts. You will receive an email when the takeout process is complete. Download the file to preserve your Hangouts data.

For those unaware, You will have access to Google Hangouts and all associated data through the web until at least October 2022. You will be able to download your Hangouts account data, including your conversations, until at least November 2022.
