‘Ensure your tech is up to the job’: five tips to help you thrive in a hybrid work environment | Hybrid work with HP

Inject the office with the best bits of remote working …
During the lockdowns of 2020-21, many homeworkers discovered the joys of a daily park perambulation; in fact, those working from home were more likely to visit a park or local green space than those who travelled to work (45% compared with 30%), according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS). It’s worth keeping up the flâneuring: incorporating an oxygen-soaked and nature-connecting passeggiata into your daily lunch hour has all sorts of health benefits – from boosting concentration and improving sleep quality to reducing the risk of arthritis and chronic back pain.

Going for a stroll doesn’t need to be limited to lunchtimes either. According to a study from Stanford University, walking increases creative output by an average of 60%. And in fact, in a bid to combat video-call fatigue, one of the big four accountancy firms now encourages staff to take meetings during an outdoor walk where possible.

… and replace bad homeworking habits with workplace disciplines
The rise in homeworking hasn’t been the work-life balance panacea many hoped for. According to a study last year, British homeworkers typically log on for 11 hours a day – up from nine hours before the pandemic. If remote working leaves you struggling to set boundaries between work and home life, then make sure you log off at the same time you normally would in the office.

Having nobody to talk to for hours on end can lead to many homeworkers feeling isolated – a recent study by the NatCen Social Research found that those who work from home experience a notable increase in loneliness. On days when you work from home, consider taking your computer to a co-working space or coffee shop, or meeting a local friend or colleague for a mood-boosting screen break.

Make your presence known, no matter where you are
The move to remote working means many of the traditional modes of casual office communication – such as Monday morning catch-ups by the coffee machine and Friday afternoon pints down the pub – are now but a distant memory.


If you’re one of millions of workers who now only sees their boss through a screen, it could be worth thinking about how you can enhance your profile. Yes, we’re talking self-branding. Sending your manager a regular weekly or monthly email summarising what you’re doing and flagging any key achievements is a simple yet effective way to toot your own horn. It’s also worth making sure your tech is supporting you to the max, so you can be clearly seen and heard, whether you’re in the boardroom or at your kitchen table. Speaking of which …

Ensure your tech is up to the job
If your pre-pandemic tech isn’t fit for hybrid work, you’re not alone. Poor-quality microphones and speakers can make even the snappiest of sales pitches sound muffled and stilted, while noughties-era webcams can make it impossible to put a face to the name. We all know that clear communication matters, so if you feel that your current tech is standing in your way, it’s worth speaking to your boss or IT department.

For extra brownie points, point them in the direction of HP Presence. A customisable package of tech – including meeting room equipment for the office, and PCs and laptops for remote workers – HP Presence has been designed to make sure everyone can be seen, heard and share their ideas, no matter where they are. We’re talking enhanced camera technology, picture-in-picture and speaker tracking, and automatic light adjustment – so you’ll always be able to present your best self, even if you’re sitting in your badly-lit spare room. Meanwhile, sound levelling and AI noise cancellation mean you’ll be heard crystal clear – even if your kids/neighbours/pets are creating a racket in the background. Basically, with HP Presence, your team will once again be able to communicate as if you’re all in the same room … even if half of you are secretly still dressed for bed from the waist down.

Show up for new staff
Under a hybrid work environment, people at the beginning of their careers and new starters may feel they’re missing out on the full workplace experience and even landmark career moments. From in-person training and support to peer-to-peer networking, the prevalence of working from home has changed the landscape of a nine to five.

One way to boost meaningful inter-colleague interactions is to set up a reverse mentoring scheme – which pairs senior staff with their less experienced colleagues. The beauty is, it works both ways, with everyone involved learning new skills, ways of working – and almost certainly, acronyms.

Elevate your hybrid working experience with HP Presence – a more human collaboration solution. Whether you’re in the office or working from home, with HP Presence, everyone is seen, heard and able to share their thoughts as if they were in the same room. Discover more at hp.com/uk-en/solutions/presence.html