Final tally confirms Benjamin Netanyahu’s victory in Israel’s latest election

Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid on Thursday congratulated Benjamin Netanyahu on his election win, a Lapid spokesperson said, confirming the former premier’s triumphant comeback at the head of a solidly right-wing alliance.

Lapid’s concession was an official nod that Netanyahu would be returning to power with a clear parliamentary majority, boosted by ultranationalist and religious parties.

The result saw out the centrist Lapid, and his rare alliance of conservatives, liberals and Arab politicians which, over 18 months in power, made diplomatic inroads with Turkey and Lebanon and kept the economy humming.

But with conflict with the Palestinians surging anew and touching off Jewish-Arab tensions within Israel, Netanyahu’s rightist Likud and kindred parties won 64 of the Knesset’s 120 seats, according to the country’s election committee. 

A grey haired individual wearing a blue suit and tie atanding at a podium, speaking with one arm raised.
Israeli Prime Minister and Yesh Atid party leader Yair Lapid congratulated Netanyahu on his victory Thursday. (Nir Elias/Reuters)

Leader of likely coalition partner wants police job

“The time has come to impose order here. The time has come for there to be a landlord,” tweeted Itamar Ben-Gvir of the far-right Religious Zionism party, Likud’s likely senior partner.

He was referring to a stabbing reported by Jerusalem police. In the West Bank, troops killed an Islamic Jihad militant and a 45-year-old man in a separate incident, medics said.

Queried on the latter death, the army said it opened fire when Palestinians attacked them with rocks and petrol bombs.

A West Bank settler and former member of Kach, a Jewish militant group on Israeli and U.S. terrorist watch lists, Ben-Gvir wants to become police minister.

Israeli media, citing political sources, said the new government may be clinched by mid-month. Previous coalitions in recent years have had narrower parliamentary majorities that made them vulnerable to no-confidence motions.

Three indivduals, all wearing headscarves, one with an arm raised.
Palestinians react after Israeli forces killed an Islamic Jihad militant during a raid in Jenin, in the West Bank Thursday. (Raneen Sawafta/Reuters)

Coalition building talks yet to begin

With coalition building talks yet to officially begin, it was still unclear what position Ben-Gvir might hold in a future government. Since the election, both he and Netanyahu have pledged to serve all citizens.

But Ben-Gvir’s ascendancy has stirred alarm among the 21 per cent Arab minority and centre-left Jews — and especially among Palestinians whose U.S.-sponsored statehood talks with Israel broke down in 2014.

While Washington has publicly reserved judgment pending the new Israeli coalition’s formation, a U.S. State Department spokesperson on Wednesday emphasized the countries’ “shared values.”

“We hope that all Israeli government officials will continue to share the values of an open, democratic society, including tolerance and respect for all in civil society, particularly for minority groups,” the spokesperson said.