West sees Russia’s ‘dirty bomb’ claims as pretext for possible escalation in Ukraine

A flurry of phone calls from Russia’s defence minister Sergei Shoigu warning of an imminent “dirty bomb” attack has sent alarm bells ringing in western capitals, where nervousness over Moscow’s threats to use nuclear weapons against Ukraine has been rising.

The threat, which was condemned by the US, UK and France as an attempt to lay the ground for a “false flag” attack blamed on Ukraine, has heightened fears that the eight month-long war will go nuclear, as analysts warn the key message was that whichever weapons are used, Ukraine should prepare for further escalation.

“Ukraine has neither the need nor the ability to use a dirty bomb. It is Russia that is losing. The worry is that Russia may use the claim that Ukraine is poised to use a dirty bomb as a pretext for its own preventive, escalatory attack,” said Nigel Gould-Davies, senior fellow at the International Institute for Strategic Studies, a London think-tank.

Shoigu’s statement that the war is also becoming more “uncontrolled” is “also the kind of wording intended to frighten people,” Gould-Davies added.

In Sunday calls with Lloyd Austin, Ben Wallace, Sébastien Lecornu and Hulusi Akar, the defence ministers of the US, UK, France and Turkey respectively, Shoigu claimed Ukraine — with western assistance — was planning to use a dirty bomb.

In a joint statement released in the early hours of Monday morning in Europe, the foreign ministers of France, UK and US “made clear” they rejected “Russia’s transparently false allegations that Ukraine is preparing to use a dirty bomb on its own territory.”

“The world would see through any attempt to use this allegation as a pretext for escalation. We further reject any pretext for escalation by Russia,” the ministers added.

At face value, the co-ordinated pushback maintained two pillars of US and Nato messaging policy since before Russia launched its full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February: calling out what they see to be potential Russian false flag operations, and condemning any nuclear rhetoric from Moscow.

But Monday’s statement carried greater weight given its rapid, late-night co-ordination among Nato’s three nuclear-armed powers. The sense of urgency was reinforced by recent nuclear threats issued by Russian president Vladimir Putin following Moscow’s military setbacks on the battlefield.

After the Nato powers’ statement, Russia continued to stick with its own script: its ministry of defence said it had “readied forces and capabilities” to deal with the fallout of radioactive contamination. Russia’s foreign minister Sergei Lavrov then said Moscow would bring its dirty bomb allegations to the United Nations. The head of Russia’s armed forces Valery Gerasimov held phone calls with his British and US counterparts to discuss the claims.

But the signals from Moscow did not appear to reflect a change in Russia’s nuclear posture, which stepped up a notch when Putin ordered Russian nuclear forces to go on “high alert” in the beginning of his invasion of Ukraine.

The US does not assess that Russia has decided to use nuclear weapons, a senior US military official said on Monday. “We still have seen nothing to indicate that the Russians have made a decision to employ nuclear weapons,” the official said, adding that the US is continuing to monitor the situation closely. Austin will speak to his Ukrainian counterpart and other allies in the coming days.

Two western officials told the FT on condition of anonymity that they believed the threats were a means to maintain fears in the west of a potential nuclear event in Ukraine, given the orchestrated nature of the warning, and to test how western capitals would respond.

A dirty bomb is a conventional explosive laced with radioactive material that contaminates an area around the blast site with radiation, but is not technically a nuclear weapon.

Pavel Podvig, a senior researcher at the UN Institute for Disarmament Research in Geneva, said it would have little battlefield use.

“That kind of a bomb is probably the least efficient way of dispersing these materials around. We are talking about tens of metres in diameter of contamination,” he said.

“Even then, nobody would be in immediate danger in the sense that, well, there’s nothing good in getting into a radioactive cloud, but it’s not like anyone would get the doses that would lead to immediate harm, not to mention death,” Podvig added.

Ukraine has denied the Russian claims and said it welcomed a visit from the UN nuclear watchdog to confirm it has no such weapons.

Nato powers have warned that any use of nuclear weapons by Russia would be met with “severe consequences” for Moscow, and suggested that if radioactive fallout was to affect a member of the military alliance, it could trigger its mutual defence clause in response.

Shoigu’s calls have divided analysts, who underlined that Moscow breaking the nuclear taboo would achieve limited military results.

“Of course, it could be that Shoigu was doubling down on Putin’s nuclear bluff. But the language was worrying. Shoigu said the West was ‘facilitating’ the supposed dirty bomb but did not ask the West for anything,” said Gould-Davies.

Other analysts believe Shoigu was seeking to intimidate Ukraine’s western supporters and widen fissures within the Nato military alliance, following similar previous claims about Kyiv’s supposed plans to use of weapons of mass destruction.

Despite the substance, other western officials welcomed the resumption of calls between the Russian defence minister and his Nato counterparts. Shoigu’s call with Austin on Friday was the first time the top US and Russian military chiefs had spoken since May.

Nato and the US have pushed for more dialogue between western and Russian military leaders to avert miscalculations and misunderstandings, after Moscow cut off communication channels at the onset of the war.

“It’s good to talk,” said a third western official. “Anything that reduces tensions at the present moment is to be welcomed.”

Additional reporting by Felicia Schwartz in Washington