Eyesight warning: ‘Processed’ food can lead to the accumulation of fluid under your retina

High blood pressure can cause fluid to build up below your retina, known as central serous retinopathy or choroidopathy — the part of your eye responsible for processing light and turning it into sight.

This can result in several symptoms including blind spots in the centre of your vision, blurriness, and seeing objects smaller than they actually are, according to the Royal National Institute of Blind People.

The health body explains: “CSR typically affects people aged between 20 and 50 and is more common in men than in women.

“However, it can occur in older people too. In most people, CSR gets better on its own and doesn’t cause long-term changes to vision. In some people it may re-occur. Episodes of CSR that last for a long time or keep coming back are more likely to cause permanent changes in your vision.